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 The girl in the picture above is Alice she was kidnapped by an evil lady named Cloe Alice was kidnapped when she was only 2 months old, Alice had no clue that Cloe that cloie wasn't her real mom because she was only 2 months old so she had no clu...

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The girl in the picture above is Alice she was kidnapped by an evil lady named Cloe Alice was kidnapped when she was only 2 months old, Alice had no clue that Cloe that cloie wasn't her real mom because she was only 2 months old so she had no clue what was going on at the time she was kidnapped. She is now 15 years old and living in a barn far far away in a deep hidden forest  with her adoptive little brother and her adoptive parents.  The little home she lives in is near a small village that also has a farm. Cloe knew that Alice was a powerful being but never told anyone and gave Alice pills to deflect her powers. Alice comes for another dimension that has many people like her there nobody knows how Cloe kidnapped Alice but somehow she did, to get into Alice world it takes a lot of power, Alice world is a world far far away not even in the universe Alice is in now, thats how far Alice real home is from where she is now. Her parents have been searching each and every universe and every universe has 10 or more planets. Meanwhile Cloe is trying her best to keep Alice's powers away because the more powers she gets the more easy it is to find her. Alice is a very brave and smart girl. Sometimes she is very independent but other times she can be very weak and not independent. Alice will grow up to become a really strong woman and a very loving woman.

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