Chapter 3.... The Truth

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After my mom took me to the basement, she told me I can't leave until I take my pill " I'm not taking it until you tell me why I have to take it" I say in a scared voice, my mom kept silent and look at my necklace as it glowed bigger and bigger and as I started floating, " mom tell me why I'm not like anyone in the family why I'm the only one who has to take pills and why I have powers'' I say in a angry voice, my mom just stood there for 10 minutes, after that 10 minutes she finally gave up and told me what actually happened and how she stole me for my power but now that my power is activated there's no going back and my real parents will find me. I finally stop glowing and floating, this red haired lady burst into the walls of my basement then ran up to me and hugged me tight, and that moment I realized that she was my mother, I started crying my eyes out and we both fell to the ground, " my sweet baby how I've missed you so much" my real mom said, I had no words and just sat there crying, after I finally got up a tall man with long black hair, walked inside of the hole that my mom made,ran up me and gave me a big hug, then again i started crying my eyes out realizing that he was my real father, the lady who pretended to be my mother just stood there in guilt but she started pulling something out of her pocket while she was walking towards us, my real mom then set fire to her hand and hit the lady with it a fireball, the lady then started screaming as my mom told her that she would be held in the castle dungeon for the rest of her life. After my mom was done telling her that she took all the fire off of the lady and started to leave with me, but i soon smelled more fire so i turned around to see the lady doing the same thing as my mom, the lady then struck my mom and took hold of me. My mom was too weak to take all 3 of us back and my dad couldn't use his power in this world, so they sadly left, after they left the lady took me and threw me in my room locked the door with wood and the  locked the windows, i started screaming and banging on door saying " LET ME OUTTTT PLEASE" after saying that over 15 times i gave up, i then sat on my bed, balled myself up and started crying in my legs until i heard a voice outside my room "we will be back" the lady said, i kept silent, after i heard the front door close,my closet door opened and Chad came out of it " Ch- Chad what are you doing in my room and how did u get in my mom kicked u out" i say while still crying a little bit, " what happened and i got in right after she kicked me out ,through the window" Chad said in a worried voice, i then explain to him what happened, then he told me something i didn't expect, he told me he was from my world and he was sent here to look for me and he told me therefore he also had powers,  he then used his wind and strength power to open the door. Chad and I then ran to the village and I was stunned by what I saw....

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