Chapter -6, A girl called Rina

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The muttering was overpowering. Oja took a sharp breath, but hesitated to speak. Just ask.
"I don't want to ask for anything, if anything I really want to ask is for you to leave with us."

Arya and Benji exchanged a classic glance with each other that Oja had been noticing since their arrival. How could she make them understand that Zoramaic pride was an unbreakable sheild?

The more she had supported them, the more hatred she'd recieved from the tribesmen, their faith in her faltering with every such decision.

It had just been what? A couple of years? She had seen the Pastor gathering the favour and power amongst certain individuals of the tribe. The same ones that had been responsible for the things that she didn't want to remember - made sure - that she never remembered.

She had seen even the girls' faith had been faltering in her. Fiana had been very wary and defensive since the visitors showed up. Fiana had only heard stories of military visitations since a few decades from her elders in the tribe. The older women who were given the task of educating the children often spoke about these selfish visitors while teaching their religious precept about the Zoramaic way as cautionary tales. Pastor's orders for the new syllabus.

Oja motioned at Syf for which he nodded, moving from her side towards the Pastor and his men. The shadow girl went ahead and led other people away into the cave-ways and returned back.

"What's happening?" Benji looked around as the remainder of people left the place. "Can someone explain, please?"

"Patience." Oja commanded.

As the hall became empty, rid of other tribesmen Oja motioned her hand towards another exit door of the cave in the far end corner.

Oja chuckled in the dim lit way, the chuckle echoed back. Arya studied her shadow as it lead her through. "You know, in the beginning I thought you are just a distraction, a fucked up wish granted from the dark side."

Arya warily looked back at Benji, as if seeing his face brought her some sort of safety, Oja had been observing that a lot since the encounter.

"But I didn't know I could be this desperate." Oja completed her confession.

The shadow girl - even she had a grim expression on her face while she overheard it from behind, her grey eyes sized down in a veil of sadness.

After several turns in the dark cavern ways, the group halted at wooden door fitted to a square opening carved upon a rocky surface. The craftsmanship was crude, but robust.

"Fiana." Oja called out standing at the door.

The shadow girl walked past Arya and Benji, arrows on her shoulder almost poked Benji's eyes out as he ducked. "Whoa whoa."

The shadow girl held Oja's shoulder, as if she was assuring her. She let her move aside before her hands searched and grabbed a large iron ring on the door handle and banged it a couple of times.

"Irina." Oja said, "let us in, baby."

"Wait, who's Fiana then?" Benji wondered.

The shadow girl looked over her shoulder and scowled. By far that was the only other expression they had seen on her face.

"Oh." Benji pursed his lips and showed his palms. "we get it now. Nice to meet you Fiana."

The door creaked open, very slightly followed by a weird kind of silence and then followed the unknown footsteps inside which shuffled away into darkness.

Arya gulped. What is this madness? Have I bitten more than I can actually swallow?

Fiana stepped in, followed by Oja and Syf. Oja called the remainder in, "come on in. Don't be scared, she's harmless."

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