chapter 16

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this is a double update, don't forget about 15 ;)

Lennox Monroe

The past few days have been awful, to put it lightly.

On Friday morning, the day the album came out I had to deal with overhearing my students talk about Harry's album and I only made it worse by opening my laptop to only scroll more.

Tweets and articles full of speculation about the 'Mysterious Voice in Styles' Most Vulnerable Song Yet'.

The album was amazing, there's no denying that, and the song was as well, but it still didn't make any sense as to why he wouldn't tell me.

I went over to Nate and Evie's place immediately after work on Friday but from what they said when I texted earlier, neither of them seemed to know why he would do it.

Once I got to their apartment, I let myself in like usual, finding Nate sitting on the living room floor trying to assemble a crib.

"Lennox, really? Key for emergencies. What is so hard to grasp about that?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I waved my hand towards him brushing him off before tossing my bags onto the floor. "Where's your wife at? She told me to let myself in."

"I think she's down the hall, trying to put some nursery furniture together."

"Oh God, and you're letting her do that?" My eyes got wide as I looked down at him. "Do you really want your child's dresser falling apart?"

He stopped what he was doing to give me a death glare.

"You don't think I tried stopping her? There's no giving in, she's determined to help."

"Gentle parenting, Nathaniel. Try and redirect her to something else." I teased him as I said it and his glare only got stronger. "Okay, not in the mood for jokes. I'll leave you to it then." I held up my hands in defense before heading down the hallway.

"Thank God." He quietly mumbled to himself as I turned the corner to go

"Love you too!" I turned my head back to yell towards him as I blew him a dramatic kiss from the distance and I went to go find Evie.

I turned into what was their spare bedroom which has now been deconstructed with boxes of furniture and gallons of paint on the floor.

"Woah, what is happening in here?" I looked around amongst the chaos seeing Evie standing on a rocking chair trying to hang curtains up. "Eves, uh-uh get down."

"Ugh, you're worse than Nate." She gave me one of the most dramatic eye-rolls I've seen. "I'm pregnant, not falling apart. I'm really fine."

"Then stand on a ladder, or a stepstool, anything besides a rocking chair. That's probably the worst thing you could've chosen." I slightly scolded her as I looked amongst the rest of the items in the room. "So, uh, what's happening in here?"

"We're redecorating for the baby! Oh hey, this reminds me, do you want to paint a mural or something in here?"

"You want me to do what?" I looked at her casual expression, meeting her with my shocked one.

"Well yeah, clearly you're talented and such an important person in our lives. You're obviously going to be important in our kid's life too- oh! Also! Godmother? Have we talked to you about that?"

My eyes got wide as Evie was spouting off words, she failed to string together a sentence as she was just throwing out ideas.

"Hold on Eve, one thing at a time. Yes, I'll paint the wall I'd love to."

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