Chapter 15

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Anna's mouth dropped. I know what I just told her was really important and really shocking.

"YOU LIKE JACK?!" Anna screamed

"Shh!" I whispered and ran and closed the window and my bedroom door.

"S-sorry," Anna said laughing awkwardly.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" I asked her

"Yes, what about Hiccup?" Anna asked

"I will tell him myself," I said

"What do you think he will say?" Anna asked

"I don't know..." I said as memories and thoughts zoomed through my mind about Hiccup and Jack.

Then my phone began to ring.

"Who is it?" Anna asked

"It is unknown," I said but I still picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" I asked the person on. The other line

"Hello Elsa," I didn't recognize the voice over the phone.

"Who are you?" I asked and I heard a chuckle

"I'll tell you at the end. How curious are you my dear?" It was a male.

"Pretty curious," I said and I shooed Anna out of the room with my hands.

"Tell me, dear, what is going on in your life," odd question

"Well, I am stuck between to guys, Jack Frost and Hiccup Haddock," I said

"Is that the only thing?" He asked

"Yes sir," I said

"Okay well I got to tell you something dearie that will change your mind on both boys," He said

"What?" I asked anxiously

"Who first, dear,"He asked

"Jack," I said nervously

"He lied...but he does love you but he lied about lying to you," He said

"How do you know that?" I asked not wanting to believe

"I overhead him with his troublemaker friends saying that you and him are going out," He said

"I see how he would have misunderstood our talk," I said

"Okay whatever and now Hiccup," He said

"Yeah...but before you tell me Hiccup's is it worse or better then Jack's?" I asked

"You tell me,"He paused "He is cheating on you,"

"Who the hell are you?!?!" I screamed

"You should know me, Elsa,"he said

"I don't now tell me!" I yelled

"Hans, dear," after he said that the line went dead. I screamed from frustration and ran to Anna's room. Anna had the door closed and I slammed it open scaring the pie of out of Anna.

"You know where Hiccup is? And Jack?" I demanded an answer

"Hiccup is probably at the library and Jack is probably at the skatepark," Anna said and I ran back to my room and changed into some jean shorts and a shirt that said "Boys Chase Girls," and put some running shoes on. I put my hair in a high pony tail and grabbed my phone and put music in and started listening to Shawn Mendes's Handwritten album as I ran to the store.

Once I got to the store, I asked someone that worked there where the skateboards were.

"In the back right," He said I nodded and ran to the back right of the store and picked up and blue snowflake skateboard. I bought it and went to the skatepark where Anna said Jack was.

"It's been ages since I have been on a skateboard," I said and road on the skateboard to the skatepark. Just like Anna said Jack was there. He was with Kristoff and Eugene. All of them didn't notice me. I smirked and thought to get their attention I must skate.

I did a few tricks first getting Kristoff then Eugene then Jack. When I finished they clapped and I walked over to him.

"Sup Elsa," Jack said and I slapped him

"The crap?!" He said glaring at me

"You lier," I said and Kristoff and Eugene both said burn.

"Shut your face boys," Jack said glaring at them "Go skate your heart out while I talk to the damsel," Eugene and Kristoff nodded and went to go skate

"I am no damsel," I snapped, glaring at him.

"Sorry, I have to act like a total troublemaker around Eugene," Jack said and laughed

"Why did you lie to me about lying to your friends?!" I asked

"I didn't lie, Elsa...I promise," Jack said smiling at me.

"I still don't believe you," I said. My face was just begging to smile at him but I resisted it.

"Please don't do this to me Elsa," Jack said and placed his hand on my check but I pushed him away. I felt his heartbreak.

Mine broke with his.

"Sorry..." I said and I skated away from him. Once I was out of Jack's earshot, I began to cry. I wiped my tears away from my eyes and walked into the library. I searched the whole library and soon found Hiccup in a corner.

"Hic?" I asked. I took out his earphones and closed his book and stood up.

"Elsa!" He whispered/shouted. He placed his hand on my hip but I brushed it off.

"No..." I whispered and he gave me a confused look

"Why not?" Hiccup asked

"You ch-cheated o-on m-me..." I said crying but not making eye contact. He slowly moved my face to face him. My face was to him but I looked with my eyes behind him.

"No Elsa...why do you say this?" Hiccup asked "Please look at me," I looked at him. He was going to cry. He willed the tears away on me. I did the same to him.

"I was someone," I said

"Who?" Hiccup asked as I looked in his forest green eyes.

"It doesn't will I know the truth," I asked and Hiccuo thought and then gasped like he got an idea. I searched his pocket for something and finally pulled out his phone.

"Here," Hiccup said and gave me his phone.

"Your letting me look through your phone?" I questioned

"Yes, mi'lady," Hiccup said and I took the phone from his hand and began to look through. No romantic texts besides to myself, no new Instagram friends that flirt with him, no romance besides to me. I gave him his phone back. I hugged and kissed him. I stopped mid kiss and pulled back and turned away.

"What?" Hiccup asked

"I-I have to tell you something..." I said

"What?" Hiccup asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him.

"I might..." I stopped myself

What will Hiccup say? What will happen? Will he hate me...

"Tell me Elsa," Hiccup said

"I kissed Jack...and enjoyed it..." I said and took a quick deep breath "I am sorry..." I said and ran. Hiccup chased me. I was faster, but he caught up and grabbed me.

"Hiccup I am sorry!" I screamed then my ice shot out of my hand which was facing me. I blacked out...




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