6 - phone calls

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in every heated argument

we are a cold war

this beautiful loft we call home

now feels like a mad house

i can't understand your agitations;

if i give you my time

who would work for us?

is it bad to demand your attention?

how i wish you weren't this cold

when argument rises, you leave home

and you ask why i act like a fool

you don't try to understand me;

if you don't give me time

how will our marriage work?

you keep calling the office telephone

my business meetings were 9-to-5

don't worry, i got your 'i miss you'

and that you want me home

my secretary told me so

sorry if i'm not the one

who answers your phone calls

every second i think of you, i call

hoping to hear your voice

million i miss you's but no reply

your secretary hears me out

even if i say the same old stories about us

she never grows tired of listening

she even recites my movie lines

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