12 - preparations

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the preparations lasted for months

must've been a revival feeling to welcome

the incoming 7-year anniversary

with her workaholic husband

i don't get paid, amelie's no longer an actress

but her movies and songs saved me

this is my way of thanking her beautiful soul

that will never be mine

amelie opened up about how cold boss became

when she quit her job, he worked thrice as hard

boss got promoted through the years, he deserved it

but he didn't notice how it demoted amelie's heart

amelie found a best friend in me

while i found a friendzone in her

it's not her fault to be madly in love with him

she's firm not reciprocating these feelings

amelie always call our workmates

invites us to help her do this right

months of secret meetings for the surprise

i hope this warms up their frozen ship

i was at their house when boss called her

amelie fell crying to the floor, dumbfounded

he issued a divorce and told her to leave

all these preparations were instantly killed

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