8 - hibiscus (part 1)

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(amelie's song #1)

hey pretty flowers, how are you today

i got rid of the pests and weeds

i hope you're doing okay

i'm sorry the sun's not shining

and the rain is constantly pouring

know that i will stay

pretty hibiscus flowers

fatefully gone tomorrow day

so while you're here i'll keep you safe

wont let you lose color, wont let you wither

until your last petals fall

i'll never leave until peace be with y'all

even if the clouds will never be white

i'll always give you something to smile about

so wave with the breeze without worries

oh hibiscus, dearest pretty flowers

as long as i'm here, i'll keep you safe

until your very last day

HIBISCUS: The Book of AmelieWhere stories live. Discover now