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Sage gains her strength back much quicker then Eleven and cautiously follows the boys to the cafeteria.

"It was so badass what you did back there Say. I know none of us would be able to do what you and El did." Lucas says kindly.

Dustin starts to laugh and cheers causing the two to look over. He had opened the fridge and found piles and piles of chocolate pudding.

"Now this, will bring your energy up! Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin shouts. 

They start to eat them when Sage hears cars, she looks out the window expecting Jonathan and Nancy, instead she sees multiple vans. She drops the pudding and turns to the boys. 

"They found us!" She exclaims and they run to Mike and Eleven.

"Where is Nancy and Jonathan?" Lucas asks.

"They left, El said something about the demogorgon." Mike says and Sage groans.

"She'll be fine, she's a badass now." Dustin reassures them.

They rush through the corridors and find themselves cornered by agents, Sage recognises one in particular Connie. She was awful, Dr Brenner never went as far as hitting the children- she would. Sage panics so much that she can't move. Eleven moves and stands in front of the group, she stares them down and the agents eyes begin to bleed. They drop dead one by one and Eleven collapse a second later, the kids drop beside her and a voice sends Sage shivers down her spine. 

"Leave her!" He pushes past the kids still not noticing Sage. 

The soldiers grab the kids while they attempt to fight them off.
Brenner holds Eleven in his arms while Sage is quickly figuring out a plan, she feels for the rocks in her pocket and smiles to herself.

"Eleven can you hear me?"
"Papa.." She mumbles.

Eleven doesn't look him in the eye and whimpers.
"Bad. Bad." She mutters.

"Mike.. Sage."

Brenner turns and that's when he notices her.

Sage clears her throat and the solider that's holding her falls to the floor after a loud snap. 

"Seven. I assumed you were dead.. look at you." He smiles at her.
"The only dead one is you Brenner."

She points to the wall that was beginning to crack, a demogorgon bursts through.


"Nance said that blood draws this thing, right?" She pulls up the jacket that Hopper gave her, carefully making sure she wouldn't get blood on it as she cut her arm deeply. She pours the blood on Brenner's head and drags Eleven towards the boys. 

Dustin picks her up and they run to a nearby classroom.

"Jesus christ Sage! What do we do?" Dustin panics.

Lucas tears off a piece of his shirt and hands it to Sage who wraps it around her wound. Dustin puts Eleven on a table and Sage grabs her hand, giving her some power. Mike whispers to her but all Sage does is kiss her head. They hear the demogorgon's footsteps getting closer and closer. 

The boys grab all the rocks they have and position themselves in the middle of the classroom.
The demogorgon bursts in and Sage could almost laugh at the boys attempts to kill it with a rock. Sage walks towards it and senses Eleven beside her, she grabs her hand and hold out their other hands to the monster

Sage and El painfully ignore the boys screams.
They turn to them.

"Goodbye Mike." El says clearly but. Sage can't even get her words out.
The monster starts to flake away and when it disappears, so did the girls.

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