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"Well than Yuu-san, its very regretful but.. I'm going to need you to leave this academy." 

"I understand," the boy was standing next to Xiao as the mirror chamber slowly emptied out, his hood was down showing off brown hair and eyes, he looked younger than Xiao's humanoid appearance did. Maybe only by a year or two. 

"But dont worry, the dark mirror will lead you home, come enter the door and strongly envision your homeland. " Crowley smiled at the boy.

"That was one long dream.." Yuuken muttered under their breathe, Xiao's sharp eyes watching their figure as they lay back in a coffin and close their eyes taking a deep breath in and releasing it.  Crowley said an incantation and waved his hands about like some mad man, Xiao had to step away afraid he'd get smacked by one of his hands. Resting against the wall Xiao closed his eyes as well, keeping his ears and other senses aware, as he tried to calm the raising Karmic Debt that was bubbling up under his skin. The chasm was still effecting him then he went and over did it when catching Grim, he really needs  to hear Ganyu's soothing bell or something.  He isn't sure what he's got in the inventory, he remembers Zhongli give the traveler a vile of something to give to him but can't remember if he's taken it yet or not. 

"It does not exist. nowhere in this world. It is nothing." Xiao heard the monotone voice of the mirror speak along with the shocked 'Eh?' sounds from both the headmage and Yuu. 

"What did you say? theres no way! aah, this days been truly a parade of impossible happenings." 

the mirror said nothing. 

"Since I became headmaster this is the first time something like this happened. Tell me, which to you hail?" 

Yuuken said they were from Japan and Crowley stretched his head looking confused as Xiao walked over to them and offered his input. 

"I have never heard of such place and I've been alive for 2,000 years." 

Crowley nodded as well, "Same here. I've grasp the birthplaces of students from all over the place but I've never heard of the place before. Come let's investigate the library." 

"WAIT! 2000 YEARS! No human can live that long." Yuu exclaimed at he looks over to Xiao, eyes blown wide. Crowley ushered them out of the chamber and listened along silently as Xiao explained why he was able to live that long, glowing yellow lights glancing to the teal haired male every now and then. 

"It is because I am not human. I am an illuminated beast/god more commonly known as Adepti, we are lead under the Prime of Adepti - Morax - who is also the god of Geo. Most of us are bound by contract to protect Liyue from demons and evil. I am known as Adeptus Xiao or the Conquer of demons to the people in the harbour. I also fought in the Archon war 2000 years ago, back then I was General Atlatus." 

They entered the library and Xiao went quiet. No one spoke again. 


"As expected, its not listed in any of the books nor could I find the name of your birthplace on any map. Did you really come from that place? You aren't lying, are you? If it's really true, then theres only one explanation you've come from another world.. or plant." 

"Another world?!" Yuu gasped from where he was sitting across from Xiao who was reading the rule book of the red queen as well as Twisted Wonderland History book, seems Zhongli had rubbed off on him. 

"Do you have any kind of identification? A shoe? Wallet? Phone? no, it seems to appear your quite empty handed." 

Yuu just sighed and shook his head. Xiao closed the rule book, a look of confusion on his face - who would follow such bizarre rules? 

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