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Feet briefly brushed the grass, only the slight sway of the blades moving indicate that were was even a slight disturbance. The silvery light of the full moon casted shadows around the area, darker near the forest entrance where the trees stood quietly over seeing the life and ever change times around them, if you look close enough in the carefully hidden upper branches you can see a figure hopping from tree to tree, their hair flowing behind them and their skin glowing almost inhumanly when the moon hits them. The figure was quick and could only be seen for a short while before disappearing back into the darkness of the quiet forest around them. The person landed back on the ground softly, their chest rising and falling steadily but not out of breathe, their eyes glancing around them before taking off again this time staying on the ground. 

The grass under feet didn't sink nor show any sign that someone had stepped on it, the wind brushed there blades making the dew fall down the leaves. The figure hadn't put any pressure down on the bed, it was like their were walking on air. As the figure got closer to the place they needed to be the undisturbed quietness of the forest went away and was replaced with frightened screams and heavily breathing, along with an unnatural gurgling sound. Just at the edge of the forest the figure stopped and took in the scenery, three humans and a talking cat stood in the clearing all in defensive positions facing a.... 

The figure wasn't sure what the thing was. All he knew it was dangerous and reeking of corruptness, and that he needed to intervene or else the morals who decided to face it alone will die.  Before he could jump out of the brush the humans attacked the monster all together, the two human males sent different whirlwind of spells at it and the cat sent a wave of blue flames. The attack hit the monster head on but it seemed to absorb the attack and send it back in a wave of it's own. The figure stood there and scanned the monster looked for any kind of weak points, it's head was one. Only if he could attack from above... but it'll have to be distracted first. Seeing that Yuu stayed back from the fight, the figure gathered some energy and reappeared beside him. 

"Yuu,"  Xiao said, watching as the male jumped not expecting to see Xiao here. 

"ACK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Yuu shouted and stepped away from Xiao in fright. Xiao stared at him blankly. 

"You called my name." He stated. 

Yuu looked confused, "No, I didn't-"

Grim cut him off but running over and climbing up Xiao, sitting on his shoulder looking close to tears, "I DID AND THANK THE SEVEN YOUR HERE! WE'RE GONNA DIE" 

Both Yuu and Xiao grimaced at the volume Grim was talking in. Xiao more so because the fury creature was right next to his ear and that he had sensitive ears to begin with. Ace and Deuce ran over and did a double take once they noticed Xiao, both their eyes widening and mouth falling open, for a quick second all of them seemed to forget about the monster that was slowly gaining on them again. 

"Woah, whose this and when did they get here?" 

"Yeah, did the head-mage send them to help?" 

Xiao ignored them and turned back to Yuu, "I can decapitate the monster, I just you to distract it." The teal haired male took the frightened cat from his shoulders and handed him over to Yuu, before glancing at Ace and Deuce. 

"Tweddle Dee and Tweddle Dum will send different spells at it from different directions, don't just stand in one place, circle around it, your feet are not frozen. Yuu will clang something and try to get its attention while Grim sends wave after wave of fire. It will be confused of where it should go then I will deal the final blow to its head." After everyone nodded and got into position, Xiao disappeared and reappeared in a tree top overseeing the battle and jumping from where he was perched will give him a direct shot to the monster's head. 

He took a breathe and closed his eyes, reaching deep down he could feel the tethers of his karmic debt resting just under his skin. He knew if he used a lot of energy to destroy this monster it will start to act up and he cannot show weakness to the morals who have trusted him with their lives. Golden eyes reopened and burned with a newfound desire to protect, his blood sang just in time as he jumped from the tree top letting Anemo energy circulate around his prone form and diving bombing into the battle, his polearm stretched out in front of him. He landed just beside the monster letting the wind hit it directly before he disappeared once again and came up behind it, his polearm spinning and slicing through the monster inky black head. 

The creature howled in pain as it's head split open and fell to the ground, black ink staining the green grass. The crescent moon above them luminated the fallen monster as its body begin to shrivel away into nothingness, just before it disappeared completely Xiao heard a soft voice whisper in his ear,

"Thank you..." 


"So your telling me you actually went to the Dwarf's Mine and successfully brought back a Mage stone but also worked together and defeated a monster?" Crowley squawked, his glowing golden orbs widened from behind his mask as his gloved hand cupped his face in shock, his claw like accessories digging into his cheeks. The headmage sagged into his chair and shook his head, "And where while you were fighting for your lives, I was finalizing your expulsion papers."  

Both Ace and Deuce shouted out their objections while Yuu stood by Xiao quietly and snorted, "How is this fool the Head Mage?" 

Xiao offered no response and stood there silently, focusing on the darkness just lurking under his skin. His golden eyes fluttered closed and the teal haired male took some calming breaths, he didn't overexert himself when dealing with the Phantom (a term Crowley went ahead and explained to them), so why is his Karmic Debt acting up? Is it because when he destroyed the monster some of the black ink landed on him and was absorbed into his skin? before going back to the dorm he should see Crewel and ask if one of the potion were done. He also wanted to check if they would work on him and aren't a waste of both his and Divus's time. 


Xiao reopened his eyes, he felt nauseous.

He gathered the rest of his remaining strength and disappeared from the office and landed somewhere on the school grounds. His eyes took in dark forest before he grabbed onto a tree and dry heaved, his back flexing and tensing as he tried to hold it in. His vision went dark for a second and when he blinked the blackness away someone was standing in front of him with a hand reached out and concerned eyes. 

A/N: and the prologues are done! I apologize that this chapter isn't very action packed, also leave suggestions in the comments of who you guess/want that found Xiao

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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