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The night was warm and the air still. Xiao found himself standing on top of ramshackle dorm's roof over seeing the school grounds and watching--waiting--to see if there was any trouble. Yuu and Grim were asleep below him in the room he fixed up earlier, stomachs full of food that Crowley brought over. Xiao wasn't present for the conversation but he still heard as clear as day and when the headmage left the dorms Xiao appeared before him and the starred the bird down before sighing and explained his situation. 

"I have this... condition that causes me major pain and back home-" Xiao's voice wavered, "-I had to take medicine. Special made medicine. It had the properties of a calming draught but stronger. I do not know if you have a potions master on hand or near by but I would appreciate if you could try to find something to help me. I won't be needing it daily, nor monthly. It's something that I would like to have ready in case... in case I do need it." 

Crowley's glowing orbs narrowed at he looked at Xiao and his arms crossed over his chest while he hummed, "Is this 'condition' have to do with you being an Adeptus?" 

Xiao sighed and relaxed his stance, his eyes dropped to the ground and he nodded once. Crowley sighed and smiled at the boy in front of him. "I have a professor on campus who teaches potions, you'll meet him tomorrow. You can explain to him what exactly what you need, I'll speak to him tonight so he knows to look for you." 

Xiao nodded and used his teleportation magic to go back on the roof and stayed up there for the rest of the night. 

The teal haired Adeptus watched the stars blink down at him from their perch in the sky, Xiao can feel tiny smiles and warm caresses. His body relaxed and he sat on the tore up shingles of the roof and let the stars whisper to him, they spoke of greater things, softer things, peace, freedom. All the things he cannot have. His heart ached in his chest and he breathed out harshly and opened his golden eyes just to see the lingering green light of fireflies. Xiao watched the tiny lightbugs and grinned a small grin before disappearing inside not waiting to see a figure come out from the brush and look up to where he was just sitting. Glowing green eyes narrowed before the figure turned and went back into the forest, black shoulder length hair flowing behind them while they're horns gleamed in the starlight. 


the next morning Xiao was in the kitchen wiping down the counter when Yuu stumbled in, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Xiao nodded to the sleepy human and placed a bowl in front of him, he didn't ask anything but stared at Yuu until he got the hint and started eating that's when Grim came into the kitchen and jumped up on the counter and put his paw out before grinning madly at Xiao.

"3 cans of tuna." Grim demanded, Xiao stared blankly at the raccoon cat, and turned away continuing to wipe the dust and dirt off the counter tops. He spent the night wiping down and repairing the roof, fixing the tore wallpaper and cleaning the windows. All he needs to do now is fix up the floors and replace the furniture, which he'll do after this "school". Yuu swallowed and noticed a green mark going down Xiao arm starting at his shoulder, he pointed his spoon at it.

"What's that?"

Xiao stopped his cleaning and considered Yuu's question, "It's a vermillion bird. My original illuminated beast form. This humanoid form you see standing in front of you is the work of Adeti magic but it is not who I truly am."

Yuu was quiet and Grim stared at him with wide blue eyes and his flame ears flattened a bit. There was a moment of silence before Yuu spoke up again, "I bet you're a very pretty bird." It was said quietly and it made Xiao's lip twitch upwards. 

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