Captain America vs Iron man

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Peter is waiting for the signal Tony gave him and Steve is just talking to Tony.

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve told Tony " Your judgment is askew Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday," Tony says walking closer to him.

" And there are five more super soldiers just like him I can't Let the doctor find them first Tony," Steve said and just stared at Tony.

" All right I've run out of patience UNDEROOS," Tony yelled.

Peter Fliped over Steve taking his shield and webbing his hand together and said Nothing "No hard feelings" Petet whispered but Tony didn't hear him " Huh?" Tony said Confused.

Peter looked at Tony and Yelled " No Hard Feelings!" and Threw Steve's shield at him knocking him down.

The Shield flew in the air and Peter grabbed it Passing it to Steve " Here" Peter said. Steve looked at Peter and asked, " Who are you supposed to be?" " Someone who stands for what you stand for Sir " Peter replied.

Tony gets up and says," You brought this on your self" and shot him with a repulser blast but Peter just dodged it.

" There's two on the parking deck one of them is Maximoff I'm gonna grab her Rhodey you wanna take Cap?" Tony says fly away " Got two in the terminal Wilson and Barnes" Rhodey said.

" BARNES IS MINE" T'challa yelled running Toward them with Rhodey following him but Peter webbed Rhody to the ground with Steve tackling T'challa.

Peter then went to Help Steve until Natasha stopped him " I Really don't want to hurt you" Peter says standing down " I wouldn't stress about it" Natasha said attacking him but Peter dodged with ease.

She kept attacking but Peter blocked all her attacks, Natasha punched him in the face but Peter was Unfazed and Natasha grunted in pain. Natasha tried to punch him but Peter caught it and threw Her aside and webbed her to the ground.

Peter saw Rhodey get up about to hit Steve But Peter grab him with his web Slamming him into the ground and then saw Tony aiming at Wanda and Clint.

Clint shot arrows at Tony and Tony said " First time for everything"  " Made you look" Clint said leaving Tony Confused.

Peter swing-kicked Tony knocking him down and Wanda sends cars flying on top of Tony pinning him to the ground.

Then all of them started running to the jet with Vision stopping them " Captain Rogers I know you believe what you're doing is right but For the collective good you must surrender now"  Vision said with the rest of his team arriving.

" What do we Cap?" Sam asked, " We fight!" Steve answered and All of them Charged at each other Peter attacked Tony with Steve throwing his shield at him.

Tony started to Punch Peter but Peter block all of his attacks and punched him in the face sending him back and Peter look to his right and Sees Natasha about to kick Clint but Peter attached a web to her foot pulling her back sending her flying back.

" Thanks," Clint said and Peter nods

Peter sees Bucky get Sent back from T'challa and Peter tackles him.

T'challa retracted his claw and attacked Peter but Peter just Started beating on him " Is that all you got" Peter said blocking his attacks and T'challa started to attack more aggressively but Wanda used her powers sending him to a Plane.

"Thanks," Peter said smiling through his mask " No problem," Wanda says.

Peter turned around and saw Antman turn big " HOLY SHIT!" Peter yelled " Give me back my Rhodey," Tony said but Peter grab him with his webs and threw him.

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