In Hiding

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" Soo what are we doing here," Peters asked walking out of the jet " You and Wanda need to stay low for a while so I'm dropping you guys off here," Steve says going back to the jet.

" Wait what?" Wanda said " Wait what about my aunt she is gonna freak out if I don't go see her," Peter says freaking out.

" Calm down Peter I called her and told her that you had to go on a trip for college and you won't be back for a couple of months," Steve says.

" Why take us to Scottland?" Wanda asked " Well we Have a secret penthouse for you guys to stay in while you stay low I have to go" Steve replied and threw them a phone.

Peter Checked the phone and it had an address " Ok we need new clothes" Peter says and Wanda followed him.

Peter and Wanda go to a random store " Ok go" Peter says breaking the lock " Pick anything you like" Peter joked " What you don't need anything?" Wanda asked.

" Ok I need you to trust me okay" Peter says to her " Why would I not trust you?" Wanda asked and Peter then forms a hoodie with a jacket over him.

Wanda eyes widen " Wanda Meet Venom" Peter says with a black shirt appearing on his chest with a white spider symbol " Hello" Venom says " Hi.. so this this" Wanda says " A lot I know" Peter says.

" I was actually gonna say this is why the sound wave affected you" Wanda says touching his chest. " So what is it?" Wanda said " It's some kind of Symbiote it latched on to me when I got my powers and now it protects me since then" Peter says.

" So you are not afraid of the things you can do with this Symbiote" Wanda asks " No if I was I would be scared of you but I'm not" Peter answered.

" So you not afraid of me?" Wanda said "No?" Peter says walking closer to her " Not even for the Things I did" Wanda said backing up.

" Come on those this weren't your fault it was an accident" Peter says grabbing her hands and starring into her eyes.

Wanda started to have this feeling in her stomach that wouldn't go away. " Ok come on Let's go" Peter says opening the door for her.

Wanda Grabs Her Clothes and Left with Peter " Ok is this Penthouse?" Wanda asked and Peter nodded.

Peter opened the door and looked around and sees 1 bed room " umm You take the bed I sleep on the couch" Peter says " No you take the Bed and I sleep on the couch" Wanda said and Peter just looked at her.

" Fine.. I gonna change" Wanda said walking into the bathroom.

Peter is just walking throughout the Pent house and started to feel hungry and grabs his phone and order pizza. Then He wrote a Note and went out to get the pizza for him and Wanda.

Wanda gets out the bathroom and says " Peter hello Pete.." and Sees a note from him.

After a couple minutes going by Peter arrives " I'm back" Peter says holding 3 pizzas " I didn't know what you liked so I just got pepperoni pizza with extra pepperoni hope you fine with that" Peter said putting the pizzas on the table " Yes I'm fine with that Thank you Peter" Wanda says getting up from the couch.

" I want to get to know you a little more Wanda tell me something about yourself" Peter says grabbing a slice of pizza " umm I had twin my brother Pedro he..he.." Wanda tries to say but a tear goes down her face.

" You don't have to tell me" Peter say placing his hand over hers " It's alright umm He died by Ultron and My Parents died from.. A bomb made by Stark me and my brother hid for 2 days but the bomb never went off" Wanda said gripping his hand.

" I know how it feels losing your parents" Peter says sympathizing with her. Wanda looks at him " My parents..died..when I was just 6 then a couple months ago.." Peter says remembering uncle Ben. " My uncle died.. he was like a father to me" Peter said with his eyes starting to water.

" The worse part it was my fault" Peter says " How?" Wanda says holding his hand " when I first got my powers I was wrestling to get money but the wrestling promoter scammed me and he got robbed and I let him go" Peter said.

" But I found out he was the one who killed my uncle" Peter says " We both lost people we loved" Wanda says.

" yea" Peter said staring into her Green Emerald eyes then both Peter and Wanda started to Lean with out noticing.

Peter cups Wanda face and kisses her passionately with Wanda kissing back. " Wow" Peter says pulling away and Wanda smiles and kisses him again.

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