Think positiv!

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Izuku: I saw you on the news

Hawks: smiles I'm glad that I can be of help. And I'm sure you'll become a remarkable hero one day too.

Izuku: Say are you okay tho?They said you were send to a hospital

Hawks: nods Yes, I'm alright. I was a bit banged up, but I'm healing nicely. Thank you for asking. I really appreciate it.

Izuku: Are you downplaying things again?

HAwks: smiles I'm just being honest - I was hurt but the doctors at the hospital said I'll be alright. It's nothing to worry about.

Izuku: You never know.

Hawks: nods Yes, that's true. I'll be sure to take extra precautions next time. I can't afford to be reckless, not when people need me.

Izuku: Who were you even fighting.

Hawks: Two villains who were trying to escape city limits. I wasn't the only one fighting, though - the police and other heroes were there to help as well. In the end, justice and order were restored. That's all that matters.

Izuku: Yeah.... but a lot of collateral damage as well as some lives were lost TT.TT

Hawks: sighs sadly I know, and it's tragic. But it's part of the job. We do our best to minimize the destruction and loss of life, but it's not always possible. All we can do is keep striving for a better future.

Izuku: But how if it looks that hopeless!

Hawks: If it looks hopeless, then that just means we need to dig deeper to find the hope that's within us all. Even in the darkest of times, we can still find a glimmer of light to guide us. We can't give up hope - it's our greatest weapon. With it, we have the power to create a better tomorrow.

Izuku: Does that mean every little live matters and can make a difference?

Hawks: Absolutely! Every life has value and potential, and each of us has the capacity to make a difference in our own unique way. Never forget that your actions can have a positive impact on the world - even if it's just a small one.

Izuku: Alright, I'll try and help too!

Hawks: smiles That's great to hear! Every bit of help counts, and we all have to work together to make a better tomorrow. So let's do our best to make sure that our efforts are helping to make a positive change.

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