CH. 1 [Your Name]

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Before we start, I would like to remind everyone that this story will take place after Syren.

POV: Lance

I was on my way to Paris, riding my private jet. I stared at the ocean beside me.

It's been years since I've become a hero and now master has already found his new disciple.

I let out a sighe as a ordered the flight stewardess to give me some wine and she agreed.

I waited at my seat whilst watching news about yesterday. There was a flood that occur at the city, hours ago. I was bothered by this incident, knowing for a fact that akumatization happens everyday.

Recently I've been studying more about this Hawkmoth guy and his plot. I've heard that he's planning on taking the Miraculouses away from the current user, Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Of course as a former Miraculous holder, I couldn't let that slide. The new holder of the Cat miraculous and Ladybug miraculous needed more training.

"Here's your sake, sir." The flight stewardess arrived with the wine I ask for.

She filled up my glass.

"Thank you." I said to her as she leaves.

Timeskip POV: NO ONE

When the jet finally arrived at the airport, many fangirls are screaming his name.

He thought for sure that his arrival will be a secret, but, no, someone had to ruin it.

Lance turned to his manager who nervously sweat due to the glare Lance is giving.

They entered the airport where they we're nearly swarmed by hungry fangirls, of course the security helped keeping them from reaching the idol and make way for him.

When he exits the airport, He was met by his driver who prepared his limo for him. Lance entered the vehicle and then leave.

His first destination is to find his master, Fu. Ever since the young man became an idol, he left the role of becoming a miraculous holder and focus on his real goal on his life.

And it turned out to be great, he became an idol, received many love and many hates, burning the end, he only cares about his dreams and that's all.

He stared at the picture of him and his master when he was fifteen, giving a peace sign while Master Fu who's at 170's giving a weak smile with a peace sign.

The car suddenly stopped, alerting the boy. He look at the window and saw that there was a traffic occuring.

"Traffic sure, do you wish to head on another route?"

The driver asked, but Lance shook his head and pull out his phone. He saw the news, about how there's a swarm of fan girls coming from where he is headed.

"On second thought, why don't we go somewhere else."

Lance said. Fan girls are the least things he like, but there's this one person that scares him the most. Every time he remembers that name, it always send shivers down his spine.

The limousine moves and mad a ''U'' turn where there was no traffic and headed to the Trocadero, but as soon as they made there, more fans came rushing towards the car.

"Fangirls... Driver, I'm going out, you go to the hotel."

Lance opens the door sneakily and head out without being noticed. The limousine left with the fans following the vehicle.

Lance sighed and pulled his hat and mask out. He pull out his phone and called his manager.

"Hello, Andrew, bring me my bike."

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