CH. 4 [The Diva]

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POV: No One

On his second day at Paris, Lance woke up from his bed. The sun shining bright to his eyes...

"Fuck the sun is hurting my eye."

Lance rose and sat at his bed where he fixed his hair. He tries to move out of the bed but felt someone tugging him.

Confused, the boy saw someone hiding in his blanket, he slowly took it off and revealed his worst Nightmare.


Later that day...

Lance and Clara are at the Dining room where they both eat a fine course breakfast. The Diva eats while the Star continuously observe her.

If you haven't realise. Clara is so clingy, she has this huge crush on him that wherever he goes, she's there... Watching...

"So... How did you get in my house?"

Lance spoke. The girl gulped her food and said.

"Andrew let me in!"

She said calmly, pointing at the Manager who sweats, but Lance knew he wouldn't do such thing, because, just like him, both of them are terrified and annoyed at this woman.

"Okay, Clara, what do you want?"

"... I just came to visit my Lovey Dovey!"

"No, seriously, how did you get in?"

Lance asked once again, but Clara ignores that question and instead eats the food.

The boy let out a sighe of frustration and followed suit.

"So... Aside from my Frist question. Why are you here?"

The girl stops.

"Well, yesterday I wasn't really planning on going here, I have an appointment... Er, you may call it, an audition."

"An audition, for you?"

The girl shook her head in response before sliding down a poster.

"I think your aware of my new song, right? So I was planning on publishing an officia video by casting students from Paris."

"Ah, I see, but then again, why?"

"I thought your smart, Lovey Dovey? Isn't obvious, I'm looking for a disciple."

This surprised the two of them, taken aback by her words. Lance suddenly grins.

"Well, it looks like your not alone?"


"Yesterday, I just found my disciple... Or should I say, Nostradamus' next disciple."


Clara slams her hand to the desk and look at him, surprised.

"No way! No fair! Tell me who is it!"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Andrew says and hands her a tablet, showing an image of the girl. Lance frown just by looking at her.

"Wait! I know this girl, she's from that famous Bakery! You mean, she's the next Nostradamus?"

Lance shook his head in response and says.

"No, ladybug is what I and the others will call her, she can't carry the name of "Nostradamus", because of the weighs of burden he carried."

"Right. I forgot that you beat the crap out of Nightowl and Majesta."

The girl groans, recalling the events of how Lance defeated New York's famous and strongest hero.

"I can't forget that day... The day of how much you put fear in their eyes."

She added, looking rather distraught by how her former colleagues looks at him.

"That doesn't matter now. Because Ladybug won't carry that name, but she will carry his will..."

Lance turns around, but before he could leave, the girl held his wrist, gently.

"Just where do you think your going? Did you forget your promise?"

The boy froze in fear.

"Come on, we'll shower together."

"Andrew! Help me!"

Lance turns to his manager who left the room silently, not daring to look back at him.


And with that, the of them entered the shower where the two lovely Dovey had a moment of their time.

POV: Andrew


I listened as the voice of my Boss disappeared into the darkness(bathroom). I clenched my fist and let out a tear.

"I'm sorry boss!"

I yelled and continue to cry. Just then I heard the Television turning on. I head over to the living room, only to see everyone watching SpongeBob.

"Why are you guys doing?"

I asked. Red head maid made some hand gestures.

*We're watching SpongeBob, and relieved our mind from seeing Ms. Clara.*

I nod and joins them.

"♪Who live in a pineapple under the sea♪?"

"SpongeBob SquarePants!"

All of us sang as the music continues on until the end.

POV: Lance

After my little activity with Clara. I was now sitting at the living room with all of my Maids, Butlers and Andrew standing behind me, face down.

"The next time she comes back, sent an alarm so I can move to my warehouse."

The boy said, little bit annoyed, scratching his neck that has a Hickey.

I grabbed my phone and wore a scarf before heading out. Andrew followed in suit.

"Where are we going?"

He asked, entering the garage. Lance threw his keys to the driver and enters inside.

"Isn't it obvious. You'll be the bait, while I go find Marinette."

I said and threw him my Limousine key. Andrew look at me with a distraught look.

"I told you to help me."

I said and entered a regular normal car. Andrew enters the limousine and then leaves with the fans followed in suit thinking I was there.

"Where to, sir?"

"Familiar with that famous Bakery?"

The driver nod in understanding.

"Good, bring me there... I have an appointment."

"As you wish, sir."

Once the driver starts the car, they left the residence immediately to avoid fans from getting suspicious. He stares at the sky.

End Of Chapter

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