The Chateaux

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" I am so sick of this shit!" Kiara spoke to herself. That was it.
Kiara got up and ran down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Her dad asked as she passed him.

Kiara stopped to look at him.

" so you spoke to mum did you?"

" I did..."

" well she didn't listen" kiara said opening and then slamming the front door behind her.

She couldn't do it anymore, this was torture, she had to see him. She knew this was going to cause war between her and her mum but screw it, she'd face that later.

She couldn't take her car as her parents had taken the key so she was walking.

After about 30 minutes she made it to the chateaux.
She was incredibly nervous to be here. It felt almost foreign to her. Going from being here every day for years to not being here for a month was strange. She walked slowly up to the door.

It felt strange to knock, but she did anyway. When no one answered, she tried the door, which was open.

Walking through the house made her smile at all the memories they had there. Just the four of them against the world.

"JJ!" She called out.

No answer

" John B? , Pope?!"



Still no answer.

She sat down on the steps of the porch.

"Where are you"

Jiara ~ season 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ