The country club

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"JJ! I need you over here" heyward shouted

JJ was stood still in a daze looking around for a particular face.

"JJ, you good man?" Pope asked tapping him on the shoulder.

"JJ?" he said louder

"Ugh yeah" he snaps out of his daze.

" where are you?"  Pope asked

" what, what do you mean?"

"She could still show you know"  Pope places a hand on his shoulder.

" nah" JJ shakes his head " she hates this kind of thing"

They both walk over to Heyward to help him out.


About 20 minutes later mikes truck pulls into the car park of the country club.

"Right here we go" Anna smiled

" yep, here we go" kiara repeated nervously.

Unbeknown to her parents, this was the moment she would hopefully at least get to see JJ again after all this time apart.

Another thing her mum didn't know was that whilst in her parents room getting her dress, she'd spotted some ripped paper in the bin. Her letter.

She had scoped it up and smiled at her own words, with the hope he'll now be able to read them. She'd tucked it into her purse just before coming down the stairs.

And now, for there grand entrance as a family as her mum would like to call it.

Anna and Mike stood in front of her linking arms as they appear in the door way of the outdoor party. They smiled as people greeted them and then slipped of to the side making conversation with some friends. Kiara then emerged in the spotlight of the doorway, looking around desperately.

"Oh my god" John B said slowly and smiling.

" dude, would you shut up and help me with this crab..."

" erm JJ" John B smirks

"What!" He turns to him

"Look" John B pointed in the direction of where he had been looking.

JJ turned confused.

Until he locked his eyes on the astonishly beautiful girl stood in doorway. His mouth dropped open. She looked absolutely stunning in that red dress. He immediately wanted to embrace her, just run up and hug her, kiss her, hold her.

A few seconds passed until Kiaras gaze met his. As soon as they did, her eyes started to water. She was overcome with emotion. JJ eyes softened, himself welling up too. They just continued to stare at each other from a distance, knowing they couldn't just run up to each other. She could stare at him forever.

"Kiara" she was snapped out by her mother calling her from a few feet away, wanting to introduce her to some people or another.

Before she turned to join her mother she looks straight at JJ and mouths the words

'I'll find you'.


Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now