Chapter 3: Soul Account

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Upon your return yesterday, you had found your apartment returned back to order. The pulled carpet was replaced, the walls were clean, and the furniture was placed in logical locations – as opposed to being piled on your bed. You had barely been out hunting for clothes for Eustass for a couple of hours, but as much as you could be surprised, it was a pleasant one to return home too.

You had picked up take out Chinese and a six pack of beer as well, offering most of it up to him along with the clothes.

Eustass lifts the six-pack and regards it. "The hell is this?"

"Beer?" Your response is more of a question because you're not sure how to describe beer to someone. "A mildly alcoholic-."

"I know what beer is." He growls, setting the pack on the coffee table. "Why'd you buy it?"

"... Beer goes well with cheap Chinese takeout." You answer flatly. "Should I have gotten more?"

"Eh." He pops the cap off one and drinks it, making a face before having a few bites of food. The displeased look on his face lets up a little and he takes another drink. "Most beer here is disappointing, but you weren't wrong." He admits, taking a few more bites before looking over at you. "It does go good toget—what's with that look on your face?"

You blink and look away before your brows crease. "I... didn't realize I was making a face. I don't know. I was... surprised, I think."

"... By what?"

"You're sitting on the couch naked, drinking beer and eating Chinese, and instead of thinking you were a vulgar brute, I thought that you looked... refined."

He grunts. "I've had a lot more practice at existing than you, but don't doubt I am a vulgar brute, little contractor."

You sit across from him, legs crossed on the floor and grab a beer for your meal.

"Aw, didn't get the whole pack for me?" He teases.

"Five sixths of it," you reply, managing a small smile. "Do you know why cheap beer makes cheap Chinese food better?"

Eustass makes a negative sound and quirks an eyebrow at you.

"Lots of the flavors, even in cheap cuisine, are alcohol soluble. You don't really taste them without alcohol in the food or paired with it." You explain. It's frustrating to hear your voice so lifeless even though you're talking about something you have an interest in.

Something about the realization pulls the room into a somber mood, and the two of you eat in relative silence. You make plans to shop for clothes for Eustass properly the next day, and maybe even find him a screamer.

"That reminds me," you say, empty boxes of Chinese in your hands as you step away from the living room. "I can not stop you either way, but do people survive hooking up with demons?"

"... You asking me not to leave a trail of broken bodies in my wake?"

"I suppose so."

"Seems morals aren't tied to emotions." Eustass muses, finishing off the last of the drink in his hand. "Yeah, sure, I don't need to break my toys to enjoy myself, I'll play nice with your fellow humans."


"How are people not freaking out?" You question as you walk through the mall with Eustass Kid.

There was no way to keep him from sticking out. Somewhere beyond the limit of 6'6" he was just plain tall for starters. Broad shouldered with a body seemingly sculpted from marble, there was nothing subtle about him, and he didn't diminish himself or his presence as he practically strut his way through the mall.

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