Chapter 7: Empty Soul

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Kid looks at you and you can hear his tail smacking the floor in quick succession before he growls. "The easy way is-."

"Contracts." You interrupt flatly. "I remember that. What are the non-contract ways."

"... Before contracts it was a ritual. Someone would agree to give over their soul to someone else, in part or whole, and as long as the other person agreed to accept it, they'd sit in an array, and do the transfer." He snaps the words out curtly, irritation dripping from his fangs. "Souls are important though, right? Who wants to give theirs up, so that didn't happen much. Before the whole contracts and guidelines there were other ways too."

"Like theft."

"Yeah." Kid clears his throat. "We think one of the reasons they want to fill you back up with pieces of other souls is so that they can complete the theft."

Your brows furrow and you stop eating. "Complete it?"

"Taking a soul against someone's will doesn't let you do anything with that soul." He explains. "Another reason the whole contract process became popular."

"... Giving me a different soul will let them use mine?"

Kid shakes his head. "It's... when the doc stabilized you, he did it by basically merging the scrap from Gilda with your soul. You have more soul now, and it's, technically your soul."

"... How did he-."

"It's my gift." An irritated voice interrupts you as the doctor from earlier sits down with the two of you.

"Do all demons have a gift?" You question, looking from one to the other.

"Some." Law answers flatly. "Our current assumption is that whoever stole yours doesn't want you to die. They didn't send you any pieces of soul until you'd summoned someone who could help you if things went wrong."

One glyphed finger draws a circle in the air around you and the question on your lips comes out as nothing. Law smirks and then continues talking. "We can only make assumptions, but the theory is that once you have a full, and stable soul, the one who stole yours will make contact. After all, humans don't know one soul from another, so why should you be overly attached to yours? Once you agree, the deal would be done, they could leave with their prize."

He takes a sip of coffee, rotating his finger in the other direction and you're certain your ability to speak, or at least be heard, has been restored.

"They are in for a rude awakening then." You answer simply, finishing up the last of your food. "I want my soul back specifically. If this patched soul becomes, technically, my soul, then they can have it and give me mine back."

Law looks from you to Eustass. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Eustass barks.

"Sure about?" You prompt.

"This creepy shit thinks you're a demon, or an angel." Eustass grumbles, jerking his thumb toward Law.

"...Why?" You question, looking over at Law.

Law returns your look for a moment before sighing. "If humans truly had a strong attachment to their souls, they wouldn't sign so many contracts." He says flatly. "They'll all talk about how important and valuable it is, and in some ways they aren't wrong, but then they'll sign their names and hand it over for something as impermanent as money, or as useless as revenge.

"But you," he continues, taking another drink of coffee. "Despite having other avenues available, want your soul back. You're effectively immortal as you are, there's not enough soul to wear down your vessel, without degradation of the vessel there's no chance of illness, the amount of sustenance you need is reduced as well."

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