Chapter 4 (First Day of school)

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After the events of yesterday we noticed that it was Sunday so I ask Ms.Jeane to I told me into a school she was surprised that I actually mentioned going to school she asked me if I was really ok with it I said I was fine with it so we went to the store to pick up some supplies and some more clothes for the week then we went home and we were now sitting at the dinner table.

Jeane:So hun are you excited for school tomorrow?

Y/N:Yeah but I'm also a little nervous.

Jeane:Well it's ok to be nervous you're going into a new environment then you're used to so it's very understandable.

Y/N:Well I also wonder if my friends Stacy and Lucy will be there I really miss them.

Jeane just saw how sad it actually made me so she just gave me a hug then once we were done eating I helped out with the dishes and then I took a shower got on my pajamas and then she just tucked me into bed.

Jeane:Good night hun.

She just pats my head and heads back to her room as I just go back to sleep.

???:Shes nice.

Y/N:Yeah she is-

I just shot up when I realized what I just heard when I looked around I saw no one.


I just looked around once more but still nothing so I just went back to sleep.

(A Few hours later)

I just woke up with yawn got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and and combed my hair I went to my room and put on my clothes and looked in my mirror and smiled and just thought to myself today will be a great day I then went to the kitchen and saw Ms.Jeane cooking some pancakes.


Jeane:Morning sweet pea are you ready for school?


I just sat down and she just placed a plate of pancakes and then we just ate and after a little bit we headed towards the car and started driving to school and once we got there I saw a bunch of kids going in and I got more nervous.

Y/N:Uhhh mom I'm scared.

Jeane:You don't have to go today if you don't want to hun.

Y/N:No no I want I'll see you later mom.

Jeane:Alright have a good day sweetheart.

I got out of the car and she drove off and when I started walking in but once I started walking in people start looking at me some looked surprised some looked at me with disgust and they just stayed away from me when I walked pass them but I just pass them and make it to class and when I make it in they all just look at me a little weirded out but this one kid smiles at me so I just go and sit down next to him.

???:Hi it's nice to meet you!

He just smiled at me and held out his hand for me to shake I just take his hand and shake it.

Y/N:It's nice to meet you to why are you not weirded out by my colors or anything?

???:What no even if I was I have no room to judge I mean look at me!

I just took a look at him and he had four arms and bug wings.

I just took a look at him and he had four arms and bug wings

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Y/N:Wow cool what's your name?

Secret:My name is secret.

Y/N:Oh you can't tell me your name?

Secret:No my name is the word secret and I am just the schools freak.

Y/N:Hey if you're a freak then I'm freak hehe.

Secret:Hehehe ok want to be friends?

Y/N:Of course.

But then the bell ringed and then who I can only assume is the teacher came in and she looked pretty intimidating and what sounded like a strong Russian accent.

But then the bell ringed and then who I can only assume is the teacher came in and she looked pretty intimidating and what sounded like a strong Russian accent

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Vera:Hello little Comrades my name is Ms.Vera I am your American history teacher just know  do not like any of you very much but to be good teacher I suppose we should go around and say names (Points to random kid) You Tiny woman.

Erica:Hi I'm Erica-

Vera:I do not like you Erica (Points) Next.

Stewie:Hi I'm Stewie and just so happy to-

Vera:Ep I like you less.


She just turns to me looks me up and down and just smiles.

Vera:You are now my favorite student.

Y/N:That was fast.

Vera:A child who is not afraid to show his true colors is automatically favorite student tell me what is your name favorite student.

Y/N:Uhhh Y/N.

Vera:I did not think it could get any better then it did.

After class we got up to leave and Ms.Vera just ruffled my hair and just kneeled down to talk to me.

Y/N:Yes Ms.Vera?

Vera:Favorite student I wish to come home with you and meet your parents at the end of the day if that is ok with you.

Y/N:Parent and yeah she would be glad to meet you.

Vera:Very well see you at the end of school.

She just patted me on the back and I went to my second period and surprisingly secret was there too.

Secret:Wow crazy meeting you here hehe.

Y/N:Maybe we'll see each other the whole day!

Secret:That would be the best!

(Time skip to the end of the day at home)

Y/N:Mom I'm home!

Jeane:Hi honey how was school?

Y/N:It was good there also somebody here that wanted to meet you.

Jeane:Awww did you bring a friend home?

Y/N:You could say that.

I then step to the side and let Ms.Vera in.

Vera:Hello I am Vera.


Y/N:She's my teacher.

Jeane:She remains an adult woman!

Vera:I do not mean to intrude I just had to see for myself the woman who is raising such an excellent child.

Mom then blushes and looks back at her while twirling her hair.

Jeane:Oh well thank you~

Vera:And I must also I must say you have a lovely figure ma'am~

Jeane:Oh well your not to bad yourself ~

Are they flirting with each other?

Y/N:Umm I'm just gonna go to bed now.

Jeane:Ohh uuhhhh ok sweetie good night.

Vera:Yes get plenty of rest favorite student.

She just patted me on my head and mom gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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