Chapter one~ the broken relationship

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An: hiii guys. This is my first fan Fic so I'm sorry If it's really rubbish and awful. It took me along time to feel confident about posting this story so please, no hate. This chapter is quite slow and rubbish but it's just setting the scene for the rest of the story. To be honest, I don't think many people will read this but if you do, please let me know what you think in the comments and vote. Hope you enjoy
Luke's pov
I tried not to look at the awful brown liquid as it emerged from my chapped lips and into the toilet bowl. I hated sick. I hated it more than anything, I thought, just as I leaned over to throw up again. I could hear their voices outside the door but I ignored them, putting my faith in the fact that the tour bus door was stabley locked. I had rushed in straight off stage, knowing it was going to happen again. Lately, all I did was throw up.

Once I was confident in the fact that I had finished for tonight, i flushed the toilet and closed the lid, sinking Down into a heap on top of it. I was exhausted. Between the sickness and touring, I was left a quivering mess. I placed my head between my knees as I focused on my breathing, silently praying not to have another panic attack. The salty tears betrayed my emotions as they rolled down my cheeks.

All I seemed to do was panic but I couldn't help it. What if the reason I was being sick wasnt just a bug? What if I was pregna-? No i didn't want to think about that, it brought back so many painful memories. I wasn't normal, not like other boys my age, I had a deep secret. A secret that could change my whole life. It had happened before, when I was fifteen. Naturally, I had to get rid of it. It was awful

Calum's pov
Just like last night, and countless others, as soon as he got off stage, he ran straight to the safety of the bathroom, swiftly locking the door behind him. Every night we tried to stop him but he could run faster. Damn his giraffe legs. We stopped outside the door sighing. It could be hours before he came out or let us in, but never once in those hours did I leave the door. Despite what he thought, I did still care about him. Just because we had broken up a month ago it didn't mean I could suddenly stop thinking about him. I still thought about him every night before I went to sleep and he was always the first thing I thought about when I woke up. He was still perfection in my eyes and probably always would be. Because I was still in love with him. And the fact that he was crying behind that door broke my heart.

Ashton knocked on the door and started begging Luke to open it but he was just ignored.

" you caused this, fix it" michael spat before pulling Ashton away, giving me and Luke sometime alone. He wasn't really mad, he was just worried about Luke. He had always been the most sensitive of the group but something was wrong with him lately. Drastically wrong. I didn't know what her but I would find out

" Luke" I called softly, knocking in the door. " they have both gone, please let me in"

At first I thought he would ignore me to but after a minute, I heard shuffling on the other side of the door and a moment later it swung open, to reveal a tear eyed Luke. My heart broke to see him do broken and I pulled him inti a bear hug, just like I used to. At first, his body went tense but after a while he relaxed into me, his head resting in my shoukder.

" c'mon, it's late, let's put you to bed yeah?" I said, pulling away reluctantly and grabbing his hand. He just nodded, probably not trusting the lump in his throat enough to speak. I knew Luke better than he knew himself. He let me drag him thought the bus and didn't even stop me from tugging him up into his bunk , like he was a small child.

" night babe " I said, turning away to leave him in peace.

" don't" he whimpered. " I'm not your babe anymore"

I just nodded, tears forming in my eyes, as I left the room. It still hurt that i couldn't call him my babe but I could see why he was reluctant to forgive me. I has cheated after all. But that meant nothing to me, it was a drunken kiss

Luke's pov
I could see the tears in Calum's eyes as he left the room. Perhaps I was being a bit harsh but he cheated. He kissed someone else. I found it hard to have sympathy for him. He'd had the perfect childhood whereas mine had been patchy to say the least. Not only was it full of my parents arguing, the party's and the slaps, it was also the darkest time of my life. The time when I found out my deepest secret. The one that even Calum couldn't know. I looked down at my stomach doubtfully. Surely, it couldn't be.

I shook my head violently, trying to rid my head of the scary thoughts as I laid back down, preparing myself for another night of waking up screaming for him to stop

Calum's pov
The rest of the evening went pretty much the same, the routine daunting. Without Luke to brighten up my day, I found it boring and too repetitive. I had always been a free spirit and at the moment I felt trapped, even with the little things, Luke could make it more fun. he could always bring a smile to my face

I sighed, before Downing my beer and announcing to the others that I was going to bed. They barely looked up from their games controllers.

I stumbled slightly on the discarded pizza boxes as I entered the bunk rooms and made a mental note to move them in the morning. As I wondered past Luke's bunk, I heard a little whimpering noise. I paused, bewildered as to what it was. It got louder and louder and I realised with another sigh, that Luke's old nightmares were returning

" Luke, it's fine " i reassured hugging him close

Luke's pov
He started to get up, once I calmed down. Ever since he left, they came back, mostly because I didn't feel his strong arms stalled around me. I knew it was selfish and leading him on but I just wanted one peaceful night

" Calum, can you stay with me?"

Calum's pov
It felt nice to have him in my arms again and I pulled the younger boy closer. My hands wrapped around his Stomach. It felt a little bit bigger, but not fat, that the last time I felt it. I just shrugged before falling asleep

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