Chapter three~Ashtons suspisious

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Ashton's PoV
I stared down at the abortion leaflet in my hand one more time, still processing it. Surely... It couldn't be. I expected this kind of thing from Michael but not from little Lukey. He was meant to be the sweet, innocent one but he had gone and gotten a girl pregnant.

Oh god, what were the media going to think if they found out about this. It would be all over the front page for months. It could be the end of the band if they thought we were all Irresponsible teenager boys who knocked up random girls. More importantly, Luke wouldn't be able to handle the hate if that did happen. He wouldn't be able to handle the judgemental glares from strangers on the street or the awful words people whispered behind his back. Some may even stop him as he walked around, telling him exactly what they thought of him. It would break the fragile boy, especially after he had just gotten out of a relationship with Calum...

Calum. Luke had only just broken up with him a month ago, which meant he must have been with this girl almost the day they broke up for her to be far enough along to figure out she was pregnant. Was it a rebound maybe? A way to get Luke's mind off of Calum and the hurt that rippled inside him? We all knew Luke could do some pretty stupid things when he was sad or mad, we had all been there at some point or another to witness it. Usually when he was that upset, he would only want to speak to Calum, even before they were dating. Calum always knew how to make Luke feel better when nobody else could, he always knew the right thing to say. However, when it was Calum who Luke was mad at, who could he turn to? He could have turned to me and Michael but he probably thought we would tell Calum.

Calm down Ashton, you're overreacting, I told myself in a futile attempt to calm myself down. I tended to overthink things in situations like this.

These leaflets could be for anything. Perhaps Luke had a friend who was pregnant but he went to go pick up the leaflets for her as she was to ashamed. That was something Luke would do, he was one of the loyalist friends you could ever wish for.

Perhaps he was given one as he casually walked through town, mixing his own business. People always stood in town, handing out leaflets for random crap. I, personally, always refused one but Luke was so kind hearted he would have taken one just so the sales girl managed to give at least one away. He would have then crumpled it up and thrown it in a pocket until he found a bin but probably forgotten all about it.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by steps coming song the corridor and whistling that sounded just like Luke. I quickly shoved the leaflet back into coat pocket and zipped it up, knowing if he found out I had been looking through his pockets he would freak and rant about privacy. But in my defence, I didn't mean it, the leaflet just fell out.

Seconds after the leaflet was safely returned, Luke walked in and sighed slightly at the sight of all the coats on the floor.

" did you knock them over again Ashton?" He asked incredulously, shaking his blond head at me. The boys were used to my clumsiness and I constantly tripped up and knocked things over.

" yeah but don't worry I'm going to pick them up" I reassured, not wanting him to think I was going to leave them for someone else like other members of this band did (*cough Michael cough).

" here I'll help y-" Lyke began, leaning over to help me but his words were cut off by a high pitch squeak as he clutched at his stomach

" Luke, are you okay?" I asked, abandoning the coats once more as I helped him to his feet.

" yeah" he winced, his voice still showing slight pain as he tried to even out his rough breathing. " I think I ate something funny" he elaborated, brushing it off as though it had never happened

Luke's PoV
Three hours later
After my stomach upset with Ashton, I decided I would go back to bed for a few hours, knowing that lying down help it kind of. Plus, I needed all my energy for today as we had rehearsals and song writing. I didn't want to have another cramp around any of them, it wouldn't be long until they grew suspicious.

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