Chapter Seven

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Garfield slowly opened his heavy eyes, his head feeling dazed and confused. The room materialized around him in a disorienting blur, as if reality itself were weaving into existence. Colors and shapes moved like a kaleidoscope, gradually resolving into a coherent white room. As he sat up, a lingering cloudiness clung to his senses, and the room seemed to twist in an almost surreal dance, urging him to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

In the midst of this visual cacophony, a silhouette emerged, a familiar form cutting through the confusion. "Raven?" His voice wavered with a blend of surprise and recognition, his heavy-lidded eyes focusing on her soft features against the unfamiliar backdrop.

"Hello, Gar." She greeted, her voice a comforting anchor as she slowly approached him with measured steps. Her presence felt like a lifeline, grounding him in the midst of the disconcerting spectacle.

A radiant smile illuminated Garfield's face, a burst of joy at the sight of her. "Rae, I'm so happy you're back." He exclaimed with genuine happiness.

Raven's own smile, delicate yet profound, mirrored his. Gracefully taking a seat beside him, she tilted her head slightly, studying him with a calm intensity. "Are you now?" She inquired with a quiet curiosity as she drew closer.

"Of course. I missed you." He confessed, the earnestness in his words mirrored by the softness in his gaze.

Leaning towards him, Raven's movements were deliberate and measured. Garfield observed her every movement with captivation as she slowly lifted her hand, her gentle touch caressing the side of his face. Garfield continued to smile, his expression a blend of happiness and a dazed sense of contentment as he leaned into her soft hand.

Raven's soft smile shifted into a more serious gaze, her alluring eyes locking onto his. With purposeful intent, she moved her hand to the back of his neck, drawing him closer. "Show me how much." She whispered, her words hanging in the charged air. In response, she leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, long-awaited kiss—a culmination of emotions that had lingered, unspoken, in the spaces between them.


In the adjoining room, the air crackled with the electric energy of focused determination as a dedicated team of researchers and technicians were immersed in their work. The atmosphere pulsed with quiet intensity, and the room itself seemed alive with the harmonious symphony of electronic equipment, the soft hum of machines, and the gentle rustling of research papers scattered across the lab tables. It was a clandestine operation, where the fine line between scientific curiosity and ethical boundaries blurred into obscurity.

Each member of the team assumed a crucial role in the meticulous orchestration of their experiment. Eyes were glued to flickering monitors, fingers danced across keyboards, and pens scribbled swiftly on notepads. The subjects lay in a state of vulnerability under the watchful eyes of a myriad of sophisticated cameras and sensors.

In the room's central hub, the orchestrator of this intricate assignment stood with an air of authority. With his hands clasped behind his back, Mr. Galtry surveyed the scene with a piercing gaze. His attention focused on the main monitor where the unconscious Titan lay, a formidable figure displayed prominently, his body motionless, confined to the treatment chair while his mind remained fully active.

"Is the treatment working?" Mr. Galtry's inquiry cut through the quiet hum of activity, his tone showing an interest in the unfolding experiment.

"Yes, Mr. Galtry." The lead scientist responded with measured confidence. "His brainwaves are showing high frequencies in the limbic cortex. Once they reach their peak, we will shut it off. The spike should activate the amygdala, triggering a cascade of fear, anxiety, and anger."

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