Chapter 13: Guess What!

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October 11th, 2030

Mieka walked down the main path to go to the bakery. She had to run errands and decided it would be best to give Toby a visit, seeing as it's been a few weeks. She was wearing a thick black shirt and thick pants with a black cloak with black fabric on the outside and a nice golden orange on the inside, with pins of the Briberg flag, a Red Heart trimmed in Gold as well as a pin that represented her rank as General on her shirt. It had been quite cold the past few days and a few flurries of snow were expected.

She walked into the warm bakery and was greeted by a young brown-haired boy named Tobias. He smiled at her from behind the counter "Hey Mieks! It's been a while; how may I help you?" Mieka sat in one of the chairs in the lobby,

"Hey Toby! I know it's been a while, but I needed to run some errands. I thought I'd have a talk with you, gossip if you will."

Toby smiled and put his hand under his chin while leaning on the glass container that held the baked goods "Oh? Like what?" He sat up quickly "Wait! before we do. I'm going to get us some hot chocolate and some of the freshly baked cinnamon rolls."

Mieka laughed at his excitement and waited patiently taking in the smells of fresh baked goods, the smells of chocolate and cinnamon coming from the back. A few minutes later Toby came out from the back with two mugs of Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls and sat down on the chair in front of Mieka. "Ok now what's the gossip?" he said, taking a quick sip of his Hot Chocolate.

"Ok first off," Mieka started "You know the new flower shop owner that's here?" Toby had a look of uncertainty about where this was going. "Yes... keep going" Mieka laughed a little and took a sip of chocolate, "Well I have a hunch that Kai likes Nia."

Toby took a bite of his cinnamon roll and smiled "Is there any evidence or is it just a feeling?" Mieka leaned on the table and continued talking, "He likes giving her things, stuff like small trinkets and candy, he always smiles when she is brought up in conversation. I don't know how to describe it but it's a different smile than he would normally give people and he loves helping her around her shop. It is funny to tease him about it!" she said as she took another bite of her cinnamon roll.

Toby laughed a little. "I don't have much gossip that would be interesting like that'' Mieka sipped her chocolate, "I'm sure something interesting has happened, Tubbox." Mieka and Toby had been friends for a long while, everyone normally called I'm Toby while his parents call him Tobias, he got the name Tubbox because he had found a big empty box and sat in it and Mieka had just yelled out "Tubbox!" and that has been one of Toby's nicknames ever since. Toby thought for a second,

"I did have a hybrid come in here for the first time. A couple of days back. She's nice but I don't know what she's a hybrid of. I forgot to ask her for her name... that's all I got." Mieka finished her chocolate, "Thanks for the chocolate and roll Tubbox but I should get going, first I need to get the usual." Toby took Mieka's basket "You got it!" he got up and put a few loaves of bread and biscuits and a dozen cookies in the basket before hugging Mieka and taking the dishes to the back. Mieka put money on the counter and headed out the door and started walking back, walking past a few kids having fun and laughing, a woman raking leaves out of her yard and her dog barking at the rake. She loved Briberg and all of its people.

After a peaceful 25 minutes of walking back to the meeting hall, she walked inside and sat the basket on the table, and sighed, "Has anything happened while I was gone?"

They all shook their heads "Just talking about typical government stuff. We decided that the 5th of November we would hold an election for president of Briberg."

Xeno said before Misha spoke up "We want to make it a fair election and have someone else for Xeno to run against. I suggest we make flyers."

Xeno nodded in agreement with Misha "We need to get people's attention with the flyers and hold a primary for the people to be a candidate for the election."

Kai piped up after Xeno "They could have the information about the Primaries and the Election and who can run."

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