Chapter 16: The Inauguration

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January 13th, 2031

Xeno and Kai were standing side by side, they knew how this was going to go down, Kai would be sworn in first as Vice President Kai, and then Xeno would be sworn in as President Xeno. The way the podium was set on the stage. From where it stood you could see the hall and the Briberg flag flying high above the houses. In front of them were hundreds of seats. They had about an hour before they would go on stage. General Mieka, Judge George, and Misha were behind the stage waiting for their time when Nadia and Toby came around the corner,

"We convinced the bodyguards that you asked for us." Toby and Mieka hugged, and Kai and Nadia hugged "Is everyone out there?" Kai asked.

Nadia nodded excitedly "Yeah! Everyone is out there! No one would be dumb enough to miss this moment in history!"

Toby spoke up "Yeah, everyone is out here! It's hell to try and find a seat with a nice view. Speaking of which, Nia, we have to get back to our seats before they get taken. See you later guys!" Toby said before running around the corner, Nia smiled at everyone before jogging away.

Xeno laughed, "I'm surprised they didn't slip on the leftover ice and snow on the ground."

A few minutes later, Judge George could be heard on the microphone. Mieka turned to her brother, "Are you ready Big K?"

"Always ready." He responded. "Then let's do this!" Mieka said with a smile before they both walked out on-stage Kai stood in front of Judge George. "Please raise your right hand" "Repeat after me 'I solemnly swear'...' that I will support and defend Briberg and its people'...' against enemies domestic or foreign'" As Judge George said the oath and Kai repeating it, Mieka stood off to the side in her general's outfit, standing tall and strong, listening to the oath. Then once it was done, Applause erupted from the crowd including Mieka. Then Kai took a stand next to his sister.

"Welcome Mr. Vice President." She whispered, "Hello General", he whispered back then Xeno came up on stage and stood where Kai stood just a moment ago and started to recite the same oath.

While leaning against the side of a house Anantya, Hinako, and Hatsuki were watching from afar. Even they weren't going to miss this moment. Anantya thought someone was missing from the crowd but couldn't put her finger on who it could be. Oh well, it would probably be fine.

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