Chapter 24: Starting anew.

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April 30th, 2031

The morning came. It rained gently throughout the night. Xeno had held a meeting to discuss what to do next, by the time everyone woke up the only signs that it was raining were mud. Everyone was gathered around their makeshift table where Xeno stood on top to see everyone. Xeno thought back to when Xeno was standing on top of the wagon before their battle with Anderia.

Xeno stood tall and looked everyone in the eyes as she did before "I gather everyone here because we need to make plans... Do we stay here and help our people rebuild and grieve or find refuge with someone else?"

One woman raised their hand, "I don't know about everyone else but... I moved here because they were willing to help my family and me... everyone here has helped me... I've made friends with my neighbors and I'm not willing to let that go" The woman laughed a little "I have nowhere else to go. I suggest that the people who want to stay, do. And if you want to leave and go somewhere else then you can."

The woman sat back down than a man with his young son by his side "I suggest that the people that do want to stay build homes, not too big, but something better than living in tents."

It had been decided. They would make cabins for the people that wanted to stay. They started gathering logs while people who wanted to leave took wagons and left with what possessions remained. People said their goodbyes and got busy making their homes. Anantya was helping gather wood with several other neighbors. The plan was that two groups would make one house at a time for one family to meet their needs. It would be a while, but they all had each other.

Nightfall arrived and Anantya headed to her tent when she heard an all too familiar pitter-patter on the ground. When Anantya turned around, she smiled at the fox that had followed her a few months ago. The small red-silver fox had followed the group from Briberg all the way here. The little fox sat down and tilted his head, his pale green eyes staring up at Anantya. Anantya's heart melted. "You little cutie."

She knelt and the little fox came up to her "I'm naming you Berri" Anantya got up and headed back to her tent with the little fox trotting along behind her. 

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