Chapter 27: Happy Ever After

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June 24th, 2040

Kai stood in front of Mieka's grave and placed a bouquet of Pink Carnations, Honeysuckles, and Cyclamens onto his sister's grave.

"Hey, honey. The flowers look gorgeous." Nia wrapped her arm around Kai and Kai did the same, "I had help from the best florist I know".

It took Kai two years to ask out Nia and it took him another two years to ask her to marry him. Of course, Nia said yes, and they had two kids one boy and one girl. The little girl looked like her mother in her face and hair, except she had green eyes and the little boy looked more like his father. The little boy and little girl were told to find rocks and then place them on their aunt's grave.

Both kids came running up beside their parents, their daughter's brown hair blowing gently in the wind, and their son looked up at his father with the same brown eyes as his mother "Can we put the rocks on?"

Kai nodded and the two kids put the rocks on the base of the headstone.

"Bye-bye Auntie Mieka," their daughter said. "See you later, Auntie!" the son said.

Nia looked at Kai, "I'll meet you at the front".

Kai nodded "Ok. I'll be there in a second, dear."

Kai stood at the foot of Mieka's grave. His scar had mainly healed now it's just a faint line, he smiled at the grave, "I'll see you later Mieks."

Kai took one last look at the grave and started walking to the front of the 'Cemetary of Eternal Peace'. It is situated overlooking the overgrown wreckage of Briberg.

Everyone is older now, Rampo is 39, Kai and Nia are 30, Toby is 29, Misha is 28 and Xeno is 41. The past few years have been a struggle to continue living life. Bringing both tears and laughter. Kai knew that we are the people we are because of the experiences that life brings. Over the years "New Briberg" has been rebuilt into a town, the Briberg Crater has been turned into a landmark, and despite all the heartbreak brought by the events of Doomsday. He wouldn't be the man he is now, nor have his family without learning of the courage it takes to love someone. He missed Mieka, deeply, but he never failed to watch the sunrise. In its warmth and light, he heard Mieka say, "We will be together when the sun rises." 

"Happily ever after's" do not come easily, but they do come when people love each other. This was our story. Our story of love, heartbreak, and power has come to an end...for now.

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