oh god this ones cancelled

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Orange didn't really have many crushes on ANYONE, he was just focused on pranks and potential victims I mean. FRIENDS. So he didn't date much either.

His first major crush was on Passion Fruit, I think we all know how that went, huh? It was love at first sight for him, he didn't know how to react to it, so he just started being more awkward. Then it was really obvious to others on what he felt to a certain person. But, other than Passion, there isn't much other crushes he had. Some small adoration here and there but, not attraction. Sometimes, he felt left out due to not being such a love obsessed maniac like his peers.

(A/N: this is feeling like a rant about aromantism because I heavily kin Orange and I may be projecting a lil bit LMAO)

He confused romantic attraction with platonic attraction, so he thought he just wanted to be friends with people. Like, his feelings for someone. Orange is bisexual, he didn't care much on gender when it came to crushes. He likes who he likes. Oh, and that someone he likes? That someone is a man. 'Who' you may ask? Well, it's..

(A/N: ok him being bi is definitely projection LMAO)

Pear was the exact opposite of Orange when it came to almost anything, he was one of the love obsessed maniacs I told you about. He has had crushes left and right, one of the major ones being Liz the Lizard. They dated for a little while until she had to move away. They never got back together because both of their attractions wore off.

(A/N: Is that how attraction works, i have no clue i dont experience it)

Love was something he was always bad at. Like, that one lady he met on a dating app. Paring. He thought she was a pear! But, no. Oh god no, she WASN'T. She was a PARING KNIFE. He tried to act normal on their date but, he had to dump her due to, murder issues. You wouldn't marry a violent person, would you? Masochist?? He had a wonderful girlfriend once though, Cantaloupe. She was tall, shy, and beautiful. She's amazing! You say, but, Pear stopped liking her after a year. The feeling was mutual, they broke up with good terms.

Pear is pansexual, he had crushes on a few guys and a few gals. His bar was extremely low, they just needed to be, not a knife, have a pretty decent personality and a decent face. He didn't have any preferences on people, like Orange, he just likes who he likes. He never had any crushes on people he knew for more than a year, his love life was mainly for people who he barely knew. I mean, just look at Paring. So, it freaked him out once he realized he was in love with a certain someone. It took him a few days to process those feelings, to understand why he started liking the person.

Both of them had, not so decent love lives but, they'll manage.

Orange woke up at 2:00 A.M sharp, why? To annoy his house-mates of course! He stood up from his bed, quickly got ready and took out his favorite kazoo. This one was his favorite because it had the PERFECT pitch and volume! It was high and loud, and he loves it so so much. He went out of his room and slammed the door shut. BANG! He looked around the second floor, along with his room, there were 5 other doors that led to bedrooms. This moment was always so so hard, Who to annoy first? He could annoy his frenemy! Grapefruit! But, he always annoys him. Passion maybe, his ex-crush. No, she would snap his spine in half because of her spy reactions...

Little Apple? Marshmallow? No, their reactions are too small and their screams are annoying. (He should know, HE'S the definition of annoying!) Then, his eyes laid on the first victim, his best-friend (and crush maybe hehe he's not willing to admit it), Pear! He never gets tired of Pear's reactions, they're always so great! He quickly scurried to Pear's door, and kicked it in. He took a deep breath, but he was shocked to see what was inside. Pear was already awake, sitting on the bed. They were just, staring at each other.

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