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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR FLIGHT IS CANCELED!?" Hazel yelled at the receptionist at the airport.

Their vacation has finished and they were about to go back home, well, they would be, but, their flight was canceled at the last minute!

"Look, sir, I'm sorry, I don't think we're going to be there at the time we thought! Uh huh... yeah, you stay safe too, sir, good day!" Sage closed his phone and put it in his pocket. Gloria grumbled, her arms crossed, "What'd he say?" She asked Sage, "Well, he said what I feared, production needs to be moved 'til we're all available." He put his hands in his pockets.

"Hazel! Calm down! We'll live-" Ombre tried calming him down, "NO! LOOK-" He turned towards the receptionist, "WHY THE FUCK IS OUR FLIGHT CANCELED!?" He slammed his fists on the desk and gave a glare to the man in front of him.

"Sir, the flight is canceled because there was a mishap in the plane. That's all!" The receptionist explained, Hazel slammed his right hand on the desk, "YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHAT THE SO-CALLED MISHAP IS!"

Crimson, behind Gloria, was just.. trying not to have a breakdown in the airport. "Ugh! I swear, if this continues,  I'll buy a private jet myself and we'll NEVER have flight problems ever ever again!" Jella exclaimed, they were already grumpy during the vacation, this was not helping. "Is it just me, or is this the first time Hazel ever got this angry?" Sage shrugged at the scene that was happening.  Everyone gave him a 'really?' look; "What? It was a genuine question!" "Well, maybe YOU don't know, since everytime he's with you, he gets all-" Gloria waved her hands around her head, "Distracted!". Sage looked at her confused, "What are you talking about?" Gloria choked, "YOU NEVER NOTICED???" He shook his head. "He's more dense than I thought." Jella noted. "Huh?" "Dude, he's in-" Crimson immediately closed Jella's mouth to shut them up, "Innnnnnnnsane! Yeah- Uh.. he's just,,, fucked up... in the uh.. brain! Totally. Yeah." Crimson mentally cussed at himself for the stupid lie.

But, Sage seemed to buy it. "Okay?" Sage turned around, to try and talk to the receptionist himself.

"Wow, he's really stupid." Gloria said, with the other two nodding.

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