chapter 2

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Two years have passed since I save Mikasa and her mom from those people, I got to be honest it pretty fun and beautiful in the attack on Titan universe the people here are nice and lovely. Any ways I started practicing my shape shifting skills noting how different animals have certain skills that can be helpful in certain situations. I got to meet Armin and his grandfather and I declared I will save his grandfather no matter. Oh yeah the Yeager's have let us stay so we help around the house.

Jason pov

I wake up to find Mikasa for the million time sleeping with me. Im pretty use to this so I gently try to wake her but when that didn't work, so I push her off the bed. I then get up she just pouts and looks angry.

Mikasa: "no need to be so rude you could have just asked me to wake up." she saids while holding her her head.

Jason: "I try that didn't work so I decided a way better approach that I know would work." You said with a dumb smile on your face.

I then hear a groan I turn my head to see Eren with an annoyed face.

Eren: "you two all ways argue in the morning like a married couple, would it kill you two to shut up." Mikasa blushing at Eren words.

Jason: "and would it kill you to shove something in your ears."

Before Eren had a comeback I walk out the room and headed towards the kitchen were I was greeted by mom and Carla.

Mom: "morning Jason"

Carla: "morning jason"

Jason: "good morning you two what's the agenda for today." He said while yawning.

Mom: "I was thinking about going to the market later." She said with a smile.

Carla: "I was just going to do realgar house work while you, Mikasa, and Eren went to go get firewood." Just then you thought to your self.

Jason: "so today is the day that everything goes to shit well I'll have to do my best to make things not that shit, God have mercy."

God: "I'll try"

Jason: "wait a damn minute you can hear me!? you sneaky rat are you listening to my conversations all the time!?"

God: "yes"

You just look annoyed and carry on you eat breakfast when you three finished then Carla ask the three of you to go pick firewood the three of you nod and go put on your backpack you all head off.

I'm all finished with my wood Collecting so I decided to take a little nap while trying to nap I noticed Eren running around with stick and I just think how this little brat has become a little brother figure to me I then finally close my eyes and wonder off to dream land.

Mikasa pov

I got done with firewood collecting so I decide to check on the other two Eren was just goofing around pretending to kill titans while waving around a stick then I go off to try and find Jason he was taking a nap under a tree I join him I laid my head on his chest and just watch him.

Suddenly he jolted up while breathing hard I asked him what's wrong and he shook off the question.

Jason: "it nothing let's just go find Eren he might get him self in trouble you know how he is." He says while sweating.

Me: "fine if you say so. I say while pouting. He just gave my annoyed face."

We find Eren he was around a group of people probably watching the scouts returning back from the expedition they were doing. They finally came through the gate, their were less of them than before, it was a sad sight to see. One man in the crowd said something about how their taxes goes to waste just to keep the scouts fat and happy Eren heard the man and threw a stick at him we apologize for Eren actions and ran away I was pretty pissed at Eren so I threw him against a wall.

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