chapter 12

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A/n: sexually content warning

It's been a couple of days since the court case, I mostly just been doing nothing just reading and that's it. Life right now is so boring

Jason: man I wish something exciting would happen. I then heard a knock on my door, I went to go open it to see Mikasa standing outside while blushing. " What's up mika so what do you need"

Mikasa: do you want to go on a date with me? I was shocked by her response

Jason: yeah sure, does 4:00 p.m work for you? Also don't go overboard just dress normally I don't need you in some expensive ass dress just be you

Mikasa: yeah 4:00 p.m is great, see you later.

She then rushed off to get ready for our date later. I then went back inside to get ready

Time skip

Finally I'm ready I'm wearing a brown jacket with a green shirt and jeans with some pretty nice shoes. I then heard a knock on my door when I opened it I saw Mikasa wearing skinny jeans with a nice black shirt with a flower pattern that showed a little bit of cleavage she also had makeup on red lipstick and eyeliner and other crap on basically she is beautiful

Mikasa: how do I look Jason?

Jason: your so beautiful, you really went all out your just breath taking

Mikasa: thank you I thought you would really like it.

Jason: so what's the plan mika?

Mikasa: I was thinking of going to a nice restaurant nearby but if you want to do something that's fine

Jason: no it's fine restaurant it is. She had a warm smile on her face

She then hug my arm and we walked to the restaurant. We had a good time the food was delicious and it was very fun I paid for the whole thing even tho Mikasa wanted to split the bill. We finally got out the restaurant and I looked at Mikasa

Jason: that was a lot of fun we should do this again. so come by more often okay?

Mikasa: I'm kinda tired can I stay at your place for tonight? I froze since I knew where this was going

Jason: I watched a lot of videos on the hub to know where this shit is going. Yeah it's fine you can stay at my place. She looked so happy

Mikasa: thank you! She was too excited about this

She then grabbed my hand as we walked home. Finally we got home, once we walked inside she went to the bathroom to freshen up. I waited for like 5 minutes to see the bathroom open once Mikasa walked out the bathroom she had nothing on. Her body was banging something about her fit body had me in a trance.

A/n: if reading sex scenes makes you feel uncomfortable then don't read this part  skip ahead I'll leave a message to show it's over. Now if you're reading the sex scene then reminder this is my first book ever so it won't be perfect it might be really bad

Jason: hot damn that's fucking hot!

I accidentally said out loud it also didn't help that I have a boner right now. She came over to me and kissed me with passionate love then pulled away

Mikasa: I think we should take this somewhere else, don't you agree. She said with seductive tone in her voice

Jason: don't worry I know the perfect place. I then pick her up and carry her in bridal style to the bed and laid her down on the bed

Mikasa: hey me being naked isn't a free show you need to pay in some way. She said as she made a stripping motion

I got the hint and took off my shirt then my pants and finally my boxers finally revealed my dick. Without saying anything i got on top of her, both our bodies were merely inches apart from contact. I was about to put it in but she stopped me

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