chapter 24

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it's been a couple of weeks since we departed from paradis... And I'm sick of it. Everyone is annoying and when I try to have a moment of peace by myself one of the girls appear out of nowhere and try to have sex with me. If we don't reach land soon I'll probably kill someone. But luckily, I saw something in the distance

Jason: "wait! Is that land!? Thank you God!" I ran around the ship screaming about how I've seen land. Until I ran into eren and Mikasa

Eren : "did you hit your head or something?" He said confused

Mikasa: "Jason, clam down, what happened?"

Jason: "land! Mikasa it's land!"

Mikasa: "you know what let go back to bed. Maybe your tired"

Jason: "no, come look there is land off in the distance" I drag her to the front of the ship

Mikasa: "oh, you weren't lying. But still calm down, you're freaking everyone out. I'm going to get our luggage ready" she kissed me on the cheek and left

Eren: "well, I better go pack up too" he left too, which left me by myself

2B: "what are you doing out here by yourself, master?" I looked back to see 2B in regular clothes without her blindfold, her beautiful blue eyes shining in the sun

Jason: "oh, hey, 2B we're finally going to
Get off this stupid ship. Want to find your friend after we got off this dump?"

2B: "but- but the mission is to scout the enemies territory"

Jason: "doesn't matter, we have plenty time to do that later"

2B: "but we'll be disobeying orders"

Jason: "you take orders from me remember. So I order you to help me search for your friend" I pet her head. "Geez, stop focusing on the mission for a minute"

2B: "while if that's your orders then, I can't disobey you"

Jason: "I think you'll like the punishment if you do"

2B: "did you want to sleep with me before we dock?"

Jason: "nah, maybe a another time. Let's save our energy for saving your friend"

2B: "alright then!" She sounded happy and looked cute

We finally docked the ship, we waited for Yelena to give us the signal to get off. After a few minutes she gave us the signal. We got off the ship. Marley reminded me of back home in a sense, not paradis, but my original home. There were cars on the road and trams, they were old cars and trams, but still it was amazing.

Sasha: "Jason! Look, look! That thing is moving by it self! Can I have one?"

Jason: "no, absolutely not"

Sasha: "you big meanie! I hate you!"

Jason: "stay hating me and I can easy replace who sleeps next to me" she hugged me

Sasha: "never mind, I love you"

Jason: "love you too"

Annie: "ass kisser, it's just a car. There's nothing special about them they just move really fast"

Sasha: "hey I'm not a ass kisser, and I've never seen a car before. So, you can't blame me for being excited"

Jason: "Annie you left home when you were a kid, you probably don't even know how to drive a car"

Annie: "so what? Cars a fucking stupid"

Jason: "don't worry you two I'll get a car so both of you can drive it"

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