chapter 5

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Jason pov

It has been 2 years since we joined training they have been miserable mostly because Shadis has been on my ass for being a smart ass and he decides to make hard tasks even harder for me only. We're currently running in the rain with a heavy ass backpack but since I'm special I get 50 pound weights in mine. I mean it's still easy for me but still and Then, I have to listen to his monologue about us.

Shadis: "Reiner Braun has the mind of a grass fed ox respected by his comrades. Armin Arlert is strong when it comes to smarts but has the build of a daffodil."

The scene then changes to Annie, bertolt, and jean attacking a Titan cutout. Then Connie and Sasha come out of nowhere

Shadis: "Annie Leonhart gifted with a sword but doesn't play well with the others. Bertolt hoover heaps of native talent but to mild Manor. Jean Kristen top of the class in odm also an insufferable Smart ass with a hair trigger temper. Sasha Blouse usually has good instincts barely sharing with them with her teammates. Connie Springer agile on the switch backs a few sandwiches short from a picnic."

The scene changes again but to Mikasa, Eren, and jason charging at two Titan cutouts.

Shadis: "Mikasa Ackerman a model cadet wouldn't be a overstatement to call her a genius. Eren Yeager lackluster in the classroom better on the field but driven by a sense of purpose almost terrifying.
Finally jason Todd is a good in both strength and academically but, is smart ass as well also a hit with the ladies."

Now it's training I'm just standing around since I don't need this kind of training. I see Mikasa and Sasha training together so I instantly think they got into a argument about me. then, I noticed Reiner and Eren training Eren slams Reiner and I decided to go over

Eren: "I don't get why we need close quarters combat training it's not like our enemies are exactly our size. plus a knife this small can't hurt anyone." I then took the knife Eren holding and with a creepy smile and say

Jason: "what happens when your friends go rogue or are traitors? also if that knife was real it can hurt someone." I point the wooden knife into Eren's back

Reiner: "knock off Jason be serious." I gave Eren the knife back

Jason: "fine you guys never let me have any fun but to answer your question Eren the enemy comes in different shapes and as soldiers it out duty to be ready right Reiner"

Reiner: "right, hey guys look over there what do you think." He points to Annie

Jason: "she cute has nice eyes and has an amazing ass."1 I said with a straight face they both look at me and shake their heads

Eren: "I think she just likes slacking off." Reiner gets a smile on his face

Reiner: "really you think so maybe someone should teach her a lesson?" He drags us over to where she is and shouts at her.

Reiner: "commandant not beating you down enough keep it up and you'll be flat as the dirt your walking on! maybe you should think about why you joined in the first place!" She got really angry after that

Jason: "hey man that's messed up you can't just go up to random people and talk shit to them." I noticed she had a slight blush on her face, Reiner gave Eren the wooden knife and push him at Annie's direction

Reiner: "go teach her a lesson"

Annie got into a stance Eren rushed her she doge and kick him in the ankle he fell on to the floor while holding it.

Annie: "their are we done now?" She was annoyed

Reiner: "you know the deal take the knife"

Just then Annie rush towards Eren and did her flip kick move or whatever you want to call it she then threw Reiner the knife

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