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A gentle summer breeze winds through the tall, dark, and foreboding forest. Birds sing a sweet melody, and crickets hum their harmony. Fireflies dance between the trunks, winking in and out of focus.


Suddenly, soft warm tendrils of honey colored light begin meandering and swaying through the trees, joining in with the fireflies, playing with them. A sweet feminine voice joins the melody of the birds and crickets. Astonishingly, the crickets and birds pause their song and then join in again following the beautiful voice's lead.


A small, delicate figure dances gracefully around the tree trunks. This feminine figure is sending out the tendrils of light. She laughs and continues her lullaby. The forest animals watch silently and reverently of this angel of light.


A new shadow follows the other's lead and harmonizes her voice to that of the first figure. A cool breeze wafts through the forest, carrying icy blue snowflakes.


The two figures continue their hypnotic dance through the trees, mesmerizing the creatures of the forest.


Like a gunshot, a branch snaps and the two figures disappear and the spell is broken. No trace of the two figures is left.


The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who snapped the branch curses under his breath. He taps on his com, "Sir, we have confirmation on the reports... No, sir, visual was lost... Yes, sir, just as the reports said, there are definitely two new players to the field, er, forest... Yes, Director, I will report back to base."


The agent turns away from the forest and creeps back to his partner, unaware of a fourth presence in the forest.


This other presence is quite displeased that the agent had scared the figures away but does not punish the agent, for the agent is of S.H.I.E.L.D. He scans the forest, and seeing no sign of the figures, takes his metal arm and slams it into the trunk of a tree, utterly demolishing it.



Author's Note:  So who is this man with the metal arm? ;) And these two new players, are they heroes or villains??? Read and find out!


This is my first Marvel fanfiction and I will be referring to several movies, so all credit goes to Marvel. I only own my non-Marvel characters and my little twist on the story, so no copycatting!

I plan on finishing most of this book before I publish more so be prepared to wait. I will be following the movies from slightly after Captain America: The Winter Soldier to slightly after Avengers: Age of Ultron


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