Chapter 9: A Date

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Chapter 9: A Date

I sit up with a jolt. Probably fell asleep.

"Jarvis, what time it is? And how long was I asleep?"

"It is 5:17 P.M. And you have been asleep for six hours. Mr. Rodgers has asked for me to alert him you woke up, shall I? Oh, and he said 'to dress to go out tonight if you didn't mind.' "

"Uh, let him know in five minutes that I just woke up," I reply to the computer as I scramble for the bathroom.

Five minutes later, I finish my makeup and hair.

I dash back into the room and change into a light blue blouse and knee-length black skirt.

"Miss Grace, I have alerted Mr. Rodgers that you are awake. He said to meet him down by the lobby when you are ready."

"Thank you, Jarvis. Let him know I'll be down in ten minutes. Thanks!" I pull on a pair of shorts to go under the skirt, 'cause I mean, you never know when you might need to run and no need to be embarrassed.

I slip on a sturdy pair of flats and grab my phone and shove it in my bra after I stick a couple twenties and my driver's license in its case. I place a protective shield of invisible light around my phone to keep it safe and secure.

Checking my reflection one last time, I smile: I am going on a date with Steve Rodgers!

I grin and dash out of my room and to the elevator. Composing myself, I step in and calmly press the button for the lobby.

When I step out of the elevator, I see him look immediately to the elevator with expectation. I smile and walk toward him—he's wearing a collared shirt with a brown leather jacket, his shirt is tucked into kaki pants. Steve's blonde hair is slightly messy but the cute smile on his face makes my heart flutter. Wow. I am super sappy.

"Ready for dinner in the park, Aurora?" Steve holds open the door for me.

"Of course, Steve," I smile and loop my arm around his as we walk across the street to a very nice classic motorcycle.

Steve swings his leg over and holds my hand as I carefully slide on behind him. The engine roars to life and I wrap my arms securely around his waist. We pull out into traffic and pull into Central Park a few minutes later. Steve parks and turns the engine off. I carefully dismount the motorcycle and Steve grabs the picnic basket that had been tied to the back of the motorcycle.

We walk hand-in-hand through the park for a distance. Steve places the blanket on the ground while I hold the picnic basket.

After setting the basket in the middle of the blanket, we both take a seat. Steve takes out sandwiches wrapped with paper towels and Coca-Cola glass bottles.

"I hope you like BLT's and Coca-Cola, Aurora," Steve says as he hands me a wrapped sandwich and bottle.

"They're my favorite! Thank you, Steve," I smile and unwrap my sandwich.

We eat in companionable silence and watch as the sun sets and night begins to settle.

I finish my sandwich and turn to study him. He is so adorable as he watches the night sky in the light of the park. Steve took off his jacket a while ago, so I can see his very nice and strong physique. As I study him, I realize that he hasn't adjusted to the twenty first century and that he was still scarred from the war: his mind was in turmoil from the abrupt changing of his world, going form terrible war to peace in mere hours to him.

Turning my face back to the night sky, I think about how my world has been thrown into upheaval ever since that day in the café. We both have something in common, our worlds were shattered and we both were forced to adjust, gaining friends along the way, or at least in my case. If Bucky had never rescued me from Hydra, I would have never become friends with him and gotten to meet Steve and the others, or at least like this.

"Would you like to walk around the park for a little while?" Steve asks suddenly, turning to me.

"Sure," I smile and we pack everything back into the picnic basket, including the blanket. Steve shrugs back into his leather jacket and picks up the basket.

We walk together through the park. I lighten the park somewhat, letting us see better.

"So what do you like to do, Aurora?" Steve asks as we stroll past a lamppost.

"Well, uh, other than my abilities, I'm a writer, a young adult fantasy writer to be exact," I look down at the sidewalk and then look up into his light blue eyes. "What do you do other than Avenger stuff?"

"Uh, I'm trying to catch up on all the stuff that I've missed," Steve laughs. His laugh has a sad ring to it though.

Getting an idea, I ask, "How many Disney movies have you seen?"

"Uh, none that I know of?" Steve replies.

I smirk, "Then we need to have a movie marathon night that includes Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, and Ariel."

"How about tomorrow night?" Steve suggests, looking down at my excited face.

"Definitely!" I giggle. "You're gonna love Disney and it will definitely catch you up! The easiest way to catch up to the Twenty-first Century!"

While we were talking, clouds had darkened the night sky. Suddenly, it begins raining; at first, a few drops, but then pouring.

Laughing, Steve and I begin running back to his motorcycle. Steve scoops me up bridal style and runs much faster than I could have.

He smiles down at me and quickly sets me on the motorcycle and puts his jacket over me as he ties the basket to the back.

Steve guns the engine and we fly back to Stark Tower. Instead of going to the lobby, Steve goes directly to Stark's garage. Slowing down and then parking, Steve maneuvers the motorcycle easily and surely.

He dismounts and turns to me to help me off. We are standing extremely close together, dripping wet but happy. The top of my head is a few inches below his chin, so I have to look up to see his eyes.

Our eyes meet and time seems to slow slightly. I notice how his blue eyes have flecks of gold speckled with emerald green. He smells like freedom :) and cool mint.

"Aurora, may I kiss you?"

I nod and he leans down as I stand on my tiptoes.

Our lips meet.

I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear my heart beating.

Steve's lips are soft and gentle as they gentle caress mine.

One of his hands cradles the back of my head, tangling with my hair; his other arm is wrapped around my waist.

I run my hands through his wet hair as the kiss deepens.

My eyes are closed and smile into the kiss and Steve smiles slightly too.

We pull back slightly, our noses brushing against each other.

"Miss Grace, I do believe I may be in love with you," Steve whispers, still holding me close to him.

My breath hitches in my throat, "Mr. Rodgers, I do believe that you're a thief—you've stolen my heart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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