| Blue Moon and Truth or Dare

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The night had grown late, and the group had settled into a comfortable silence as they lounged on the couches in Karl's living room. Sapnap sat close to Karl, their legs touching as they shared a blanket.

Dream suddenly sat up, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, let's play truth or dare!" he exclaimed.

The others looked at each other and shrugged, agreeing to play the game for fun. Karl felt a sense of nervous excitement wash over him, wondering what kind of secrets would be revealed or dares would be given.

They started the game off easy, asking each other silly questions and giving harmless dares. But as the game progressed, the questions and dares grew more intense and personal.

Sapnap was dared to do a backflip off the couch, which he successfully accomplished to the group's amazement. George was asked to reveal his most embarrassing childhood memory, which turned out to be a hilarious tale of a failed attempt at a magic trick.

Karl's turn came up, and he chose truth. Dream asked him, "Who do you have a crush on right now?"

Karl felt his face heat up as he looked over at Sapnap. He couldn't bring himself to say it out loud, even in a game of truth or dare. "Uh, no one in particular," he stammered.

The group didn't push him, moving on to Quackity's turn. But Karl couldn't shake the feeling that he had missed an opportunity to reveal his true feelings for Sapnap.

As the game progressed, the dares and questions became more and more risqué. Sapnap was dared to kiss the person sitting closest to him, and Karl felt his heart skip a beat as Sapnap leaned in and pressed his lips to Karl's cheek.

Karl's mind was racing as he tried to process the sudden physical touch. Did this mean that Sapnap felt the same way he did? Or was it just a silly dare meant to stir up trouble?

Finally, it was Sapnap's turn again. He chose dare, and Dream smirked as he said, "I dare you to confess your love to the person you like the most in this room."

Karl felt his heart stop as he turned to look at Sapnap. Was he really going to do it? Was he going to finally reveal his true feelings?

But to Karl's disappointment, Sapnap just laughed and said, "I don't like anyone like that, sorry."

Karl felt a sense of crushing disappointment wash over him. Had he been reading too much into their interactions, into the way they cuddled and held hands? Was it all just in his head?

As the game wound down and they all said their goodbyes, Karl couldn't help but feel like he had missed his chance. But he also knew that he couldn't force his feelings on someone else, that he had to wait for Sapnap to be ready to take that step.

He said goodbye to the group, watching as they left his apartment and disappeared into the night. But as he closed the door and turned off the lights, he knew that he wouldn't give up on his love for Sapnap. He would wait for the right moment to finally reveal his true feelings.

528 words

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