| Blue Moon and Dreamnotfound Jokes

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It had been a few weeks since their truth or dare game, and Karl and Sapnap had continued to hang out with the group. They had all settled into a comfortable routine, spending their days gaming and chatting on Discord.

One afternoon, they were all lounging in Karl's living room again, scrolling through Twitter and watching YouTube videos. Sapnap suddenly started joking about Dreamnotfound, the ship name for Dream and George's friendship.

"You know, I'm starting to think Dreamnotfound might actually be real," he said, grinning at the others.

Quackity rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. They're just friends, like we all are."

But Sapnap continued to joke about the possibility of Dream and George being secretly in love. Karl couldn't help but notice the way Sapnap's eyes kept flickering over to him, as if he was waiting for a reaction.

Karl felt a sense of jealousy stir in his chest, even though he knew it was irrational. He couldn't help but wish that he and Sapnap had a ship name, that they were seen as a couple in the same way that Dream and George were.

But he kept his feelings to himself, not wanting to ruin the relaxed atmosphere of the group. They continued to joke and tease each other, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

As the night wore on, Karl found himself sitting closer and closer to Sapnap, their shoulders touching as they leaned into each other. He couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, knowing that he was close to the person he cared about the most.

But he also felt a sense of sadness, knowing that he couldn't reveal his true feelings. He didn't want to risk losing Sapnap's friendship, didn't want to make things awkward between them.

As they said their goodbyes and the group dispersed, Karl found himself feeling conflicted. He loved spending time with Sapnap, loved the way they joked and teased each other. But he also wished that things could be different, that they could be more than just friends.

But he knew that he couldn't force his feelings on someone else, that he had to be patient and wait for the right moment. And maybe, just maybe, on the next blue moon, his dreams would finally come true.

370 words

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