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Chapter 23

Beomgyu was standing up on the stage. Yeonjun was inside Beomgyu's room, figuring out what he should do. The door opened. 
"What is it now?"
"Taehyun-ah, I'll need your help"
"I am not helping you Yeonjun. You don't-"
"It's urgent, I don't want beomgyu to get married, beomgyu doesn't want this marriage too"
"I do know that"
"Then help me distract Mrs Choi. Because she handles these kinds of situations really well and not in a good way"
"What kind of situations?"
"I'm going to create one like right now"
Taehyun was confused. He had felt betrayed by Yeonjun in the past few days but he still wanted to do what Yeonjun told him to, maybe it was the first and last time someone was trying to save beomgyu from this marriage and Taehyun wanted to be a part of this.

Taehyun walked out of the room and soon Yeonjun went downstairs too.

Beomgyu was even more nervous standing on that platform. Soon, his father announced that "the bride-to-be" is going to come.

Beomgyu looked around nervously as the sound of camera shutters played in his head, with ever shutter, he could visualise a different memory. He clearly knew what and who was more important to him. Beomgyu looked up to see Yeri walking down the aisle with the brightest smile on her face.

Beomgyu wondered how one could be so happy after mentally disturbing not one, but more people. He wasn't the most mature of them all but he knew at that moment that this is how life would be, this is how the world is.

The violinist played melodious music on his extravagant violin as Yeri got up the stage, without any help from Beomgyu who was still wondering if Yeonjun would do something about all of it.

Mrs Choi sighed, "After this, everything will be settled. He will be married off and Bomi will be able to inherit everything", she said to herself when she felt something spanked on her. She stood up to see Taehyun who gasped. "I'm sorry aunt, I didn't mean to-"
"One is a kidult and one is literally blind!?", Mrs. Choi walked inside the house.

The priest took permission from Mr.Choi to  proceed, just as he nodded, a voice echoed, "Stop!"

Everyone looked at the speaker. Yeonjun walked up to the speaker system.
"I have something for you all to listen"

Yeonjun inserted a pendrive there and then walked up to the stage and covered Beomgyu's ears. Beomgyu smiled at him.

"What do you mean love mom? I am obviously marrying him so that I can live a comfortable life which you weren't able to provide me!"
"But he won't be able to take care of you, he acts like a child most of the time"
"Who cares, he is like my golden chicken"
"it's chicken giving golden eggs not-"
"yeah same thing, anyways, you should watch some movies on how to act like him because apparently they know you also have PTSD"
"I surely will, anything for my daughter"

While the audio played, Yeonjun kept chuckling while he held Beomgyu's face, closing his ears.

"when are you going to kiss me?"
"I was just joking about it"
Beomgyu pouted.

The recording stopped, Yeonjun removed his hands from Beomgyu's face.

"Now that everyone knows the truth behind this marriage, I believe there is no use of continuing this event", Yeonjun stated.

Yeri shook his head, "NOTHING MATTERS nothing matters because Beomgyu still wants to marry me! He still loves me! Right, Gyu?"

Yeri tried to drag Beomgyu towards her. Yeonjun shook Yeri's hand away and pulled Beomgyu behind him.

"No I don't! I don't like you! you are the worst!"

Grandpa took the mic and cleared his throat, "The guests can proceed to have the food and leave, thank you for your presence"

Beomgyu smiled and pecked Yeonjun's cheek before he ran inside the house. Yeonjun stood there with his eyes widened as he placed his hand on his cheek.

A few seconds later Yeonjun walked into the house smiling, to see Mrs Choi standing in front of Beomgyu. She picked up her hand to hit Beomgyu but Beomgyu held it and threw it away, "and if I report you for domestic violence, neither you, neither your daughter will inherit anything that belongs to me"
"How dare you talk that way to me?"
"You have been talking to me like that for years and I cannot do that? I wouldn't call you names but you must know you're the most pathetic woman I have ever known. I know why my mother isn't here anymore, she was too nice to share a world with someone as pathetic as you! Don't you dare make decisions for me or consider anything related to me yours if you didn't ever treat me as your child!"

Beomgyu walked to his room. Yeonjun was so amazed. was this happening for real? his beomgyu just fought for himself? let out everything he had kept in?

Yeonjun walked to Beomgyu's room and knocked on the door.

"Hyung, don't come in yet, I am changing"

Yeonjun nodded and stayed outside. Beomgyu opened the door, Yeonjun smiled at him and touched his cheek, "did you wear blush today?"

Beomgyu shook his head, "It's you"
"I mean, you see it that way"

Yeonjun walked in and sat on the bed, "So, are you still going for studying-"
Beomgyu nodded, "I don't want to miss out on that"

Yeonjun nodded, "Well..I support you with that, study all you want and become someone your mom would be proud of, she still would be but yes"

"I won't see you for a long while then"
Yeonjun nodded, "It's okay though, we will always be friends"
Beomgyu nodded and sat beside Yeonjun. Beomgyu laid his head on Yeonjun's head.

"Thank you hyung, you're my favorite person in the whole world"


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