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Chapter 30:
Beomgyu laid down beside Yeonjun and turned to look at him, resting his body on his elbow.
"You've gotten prettier hyung, maybe it's because you're drunk and crying"

Yeonjun scoffed. Beomgyu pecked Yeonjun's cheek. "and those..they are so pink"

Yeonjun looked away.

"You've stopped being bold"
"I was never bold with you"
"Right? I was always making moves though. I didn't know it back then, I knew nothing. But I did know what I wanted, and I expressed it, unlike you"
"Oh come on beomgyu, I took you as a-"
"Oh no, don't call me your younger brother and shit"
"I was saying friend, but okay"
"Friend? Be for real hyung"
"Alright, my bad"

"You're a coward though, you're like very.."
"Just because I maintain distance from you doesn't mean that I am a coward"
Beomgyu scoffed.

"You didn't even know about all this stuff back in the time-"
"I obviously knew about kissing and showing love and-"
"Didn't I show you enough love? Also, why would you ask me if I have a girlfriend? I was waiting for you like mad people and-"
"I was just teasing you"
"I thought you got one!"
"Come on? I am visibly gay. I don't mess with women after that yeri case"
"So you found a boyfriend?"
"Not yet"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"Not until someone starts learning how to show me some affection", Beomgyu stated. Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu and sat up.

He hovered Beomgyu and said, "Kid, stop throwing your sharp comments. It's been enough, okay?"
"Oh, I love this"
"You have ruined your mind in that foreign country, haven't you?"
"Have I? Fix it for me then?"
"Stop with your-"
"Make me"
Beomgyu smirked.

"Oh, shut up!", Yeonjun stood up from the bed and went to the washroom. Beomgyu sighed and picked up his phone to call Taehyun.

"Is everything alright?"
"Yeonjun's parents.."
"What happened?"
"Um, they are being scolded by grandpa and Yeonjun's grandfather is on the call, helping grandpa scold them"
"What? For what?"
"They never really looked out for Yeonjun, he literally grew up with these two old men"
"I do know that part"
"So, they are reminding them in front of everyone today"
"Um, the son here is being a mess"
"Take care you two, it's getting a little wholesome here"

Yeonjun came back in. Beomgyu sat up, "why did you go to the bathroom?"
"what do you do in the bathroom?"
"You seem sober now"
"Yeah, I'm sorry for the mess"
"I ain't accepting your apologies"
Yeonjun walked towards Beomgyu and pushed him down on the bed, hovering over him once again.

"You told me I used to find you cute, right? You weren't this troublesome back then. You used to obey me well and you didn't talk back to me, like a good boy"
"Do you not like me now?"
"You loser. I just don't find you cute now"
"That's because you have gotten more cute. You are the cute one now"
"Shut up or I'll-"
"Make me?"

Yeonjun sighed and held Beomgyu's ear.

"Also, I am sorry for not greeting you well yesterday, I was a little messed up"
"Oh I know, this cute friend of mine has a lot on his table"
"and about Bomi, we are good friends"
"and good friends kiss each other?"
"We didn't kiss?"
"You guys were kissing yesterday"
"I was helping her with her fake eyelash!"
"I know, I was teasing"
"Good friends do kiss each other though. I remember this one guy was begging me to kiss him on his own marriage"
"Who proposed the idea of kissing!?"
Yeonjun chuckled and caressed Beomgyu's cheek.

Beomgyu sighed, "are you going to do something or get off me again?"
"You sound so experienced"
"Experienced in what? Making out? Well, I have seen my housemates back there, do it all day"
"Right? That too with different people. I would never let anyone else kiss me, what the fuck"
Yeonjun stared at Beomgyu and bent down to peck his lips.

"That's it? That's all I get for driving you here?"
"Choi Beomgyu, you've changed a lot"
"Do you not like it?"
"Shut up"

Beomgyu pulled Yeonjun down and kissed his lips. For a few seconds, after that, he pushed him by his chest.

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu with widened eyes.

"Yeah, that's better"
"You're so-"
"You went to brush your teeth so that you won't smell like alcohol? How thoughtful of you. You were planning to kiss me anyways, right?"
Yeonjun got off from Beomgyu and controlled his blush.

Beomgyu chuckled and stood up. "You made this room to miss me, didn't you?"
"Yeah, I sat here whenever I missed you"
"You didn't miss me on the weekends?"
"I was very occupied in the work"
"That's concerning"

"Hyung, can I get a hug you were about to give me yesterday?"

Yeonjun sighed and spread his arms. Beomgyu walked to him and hugged him.

[not proof read]

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