3: A Bit of Advice

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Sounds, sounds are
All that people say to me,
Pretending to say words,
But making a mockery of Language.

Language is beautiful,
Heaven on Earth,
And saying words is how
We pray to her.

So to use sounds and pretend
To say prayers, like an
Atheist in a cult,
Is an insult to Language.

It's an insult to ask me for reasons.
It's an insult to ask me to lie.
It's an insult to ask me to care anymore.
It's an insult to ask me not to die.

For what reason can I give you
That isn't for the ungrateful,
That will make you see and understand
That my vision for the future is lost
And my dreams are unintelligible.

Why should I bother to lie
And say that I am who you think?
Why should I bother to make you
Believe what my name is or who I
Love, because it's definitely not myself.

It's stupid to think that your words
That wash over like tsunamis
Have any effect on me anymore,
Still make the same sort of destruction
Or devastation to my soul or mind.

I don't know why people bother
To tell me the last. I do what I
Want to do, unless I don't because
Sometimes, sometimes things can't
Help but get in the way.

So, here's a bit of advice:
Not every sound is a word,
Not every word should hurt,
And not everything people say
Is the truth, whether it's yours

Or mine.

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