Friend Zone- Connor/Brad Imagine

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Y/N- your name

Y/F/S- your favourite song

*your POV*

Me and Brad have been best friends since we were in preschool. He's like a brother to me. I have photos of us as toddlers, kids, in that awkward phase between child and teenager and of us in high school. We've always just got on really well. We tell each other everything. People always assume we're dating. Brad finds that hilarious, I just find it embarrassing.

Today I was going bowling with Brad, Tris, James and Connor. I met Brad's band mates as soon as they started making music together; me and Connor have been dating for 5 months now. Brad's ok with it but he has threatened to beat Connor up if he breaks my heart. It's cute how protective he is over me.

We had booked a lane quite early because we didn't want to go when it's busy as there's more chance of us being mobbed by Vampettes.

We walked in and exchanges our shoes for bowling shoes. We sat down at the lane and Brad jumped up to enter our names.

"Davy Jones" he said, pointing at Con.

Connor rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Mr Unweaaal" Brad said, pointing at Tris.

"Unweaaal" Tris replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Unweaaal Jnr" Brad said, putting his hand over his heart and pulling a face at me. I pulled one back.

"Protein farts" Brad said, trying not to laugh as he pointed at James, waiting for him to react.

"Oi!" James yelled, "I CAN'T HELP IT! It's the diet!"

Brad, Tris, Connor and I were crying with laughter.

"Sure" Brad said, "Blame it on your ab growing drink"

James put his head in his hands and shook his head.

"And finally" Brad said, tuning on me and making a drum roll on his knees, "The Belch Babe"

"Seriously Brad?!" I said, staring at him.

"What?" He asked, trying to look innocent, "it's not my fault you belched the place down at prom"

"That was one time, years ago and it was only because you kept getting me to down coke, what do you expect?!"

"A lady-like hiccup" Brad replied, placing his hand on his hip in his best impression of a girl.

"Oh shut up!" I said, punching him playfully on the arm. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Anyway, let's start. Con you're first" Brad said, sitting down.

Connor got up and threw a ball down the lane, knocking all the pins over.

"Davy Jones has done it again!" Con yelled in his high pitched Scottish accent. He high fived everyone. When he got to me, he intertwined his fingers with mine and sat down, pulling me onto his lap.

"Did you really belch that loud at prom?" Con asked, smirking at me.

"Not you aswell, I don't get why you find it so funny" I said, sighing and putting my head on Connor's chest.

"I'm just curious" he replied, resting his chin on my head.

"Fine" I mumbled, "well me and Brad were both single at prom so we decided to go together. He thought it would attract girls if they saw him with a date. His plan backfired because everyone know that we would never ever date in a million years. Brad decided that since he wasn't going to have a romantic prom, he was going to challenge me to a coke downing contest. I won but ended up burping so loud that everyone heard. I was mortified but Brad was laughing so hard that he was sent outside to calm down"

"Yup, sounds like Brad" Connor said, chuckling to himself.

"I'm surprised you haven't hear it before. He usually tells my boyfriends as soon as he can. He must not want to scare you off" I said.

"Nah, you'd never scare me off. I like you too much" Con murmured.

I sat upright and stared at him, "really?!" I whispered.

Connor nodded, his cheeks flushing scarlet.

"That's so cute" I whispered. I leaned in and kissed him. Connor kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me. My fingers curled into his hair.

"Hey! Y/N! Con! No PDA!" Brad shouted as he threw the bowling ball down the lane.

I pulled out of the kiss and glared at Brad. He grinned at me. The music on the bowling alley sound system suddenly changed. I recognised the track immediately.

"Brad!" I yelled, "listen to the track!"

Brad stopped what he was doing and listened. His eyes widened.

"NO WAY! ITS Y/F/S!" He practically screamed, running towards me and pulling me to my feet, away from Connor.

Brad clutched my hand and held it out to one side of me, putting his hand on the small of my back and looking at out outstretched hands. I put my free hand on the top of his back. We started to 'tango' up the bowling alley along to Y/F/S. We were both laughing but trying to keep a straight face and failing. We carried on like this until the end of the track, ignoring the stares and weird looks we were getting. At this point, we went back to the lane where James was staring at us, Tris was crying with laughter, falling of his chair and Connor....Connor was smiling at me at the way he looked at me, it's the way every girl dreams of being looked at, a look filled with love and happiness and protectiveness all merged together in one heart-melting gaze.

Hey Guys,
I hope you like this imagine, if you like ones that are funnier and also cute or if you just want one that has the friendship theme in it, inbox us or comment, we'd be happy to write one for you and also comment your opinions on this one please, it will help me to know if you want more like this in the future :) or if you want part 2 ;)
Thank you again for 8.8K reads, it means a lot to us :)

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