You facetime him-Connor imagine

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You FaceTime him:

I am on FaceTime with my Boyfriend, Connor, on my laptop. My family is downstairs so I have to all the doors closed as they don't know about Connor. They wouldn't approve of him and think he is using me or something rubbish. I have 5 Seconds Of Summer blasting out of my speakers. I am lying on my bed, on my stomach, in sweatpants and a sports bra. I know Con won't judge me and I am comfortable with him. If the boys came in they wouldn't care, they're my best friends after all. As there is a break in the song, stupid downloaded music, I can hear someone running up the stairs. SHIT! I quickly drag safari over FaceTime and text Con telling him to be quiet. Just as I put my phone down my sister bursts into my room.

'I'M BORED!' You look at her and you both start dancing randomly. It's harder for you since you're on a bed but you make it work. The music then changes from 5 Seconds Of Summer to the The Vamps, luckily it's one of the songs my sister likes. I start doing dancing that was probably only cool in the 70s or just flail my limbs about while singing to the song.

'You're so weird' She says as she joins in on your dancing techniques. I am still on the bed and only I can be seen on camera which probably makes this look so weird.

'and your point is' I completely forgot I was on FaceTime until I hear laughing coming from my laptop.

'ugh stupid downloaded music' It's not unusual for me to covert youtube videos into my iTunes and lots of my song have stuff like that in it so she takes it. As it gets to the chorus I start to get way too carried away and try to stand up on my bed to dance. I'm not the most co-ordinated so I don't know why I thought this would be a good idea. I manage to stand up and regain my balance before I begin to dance and head banging. At this point, because of my bed bouncing, the screen has gone back and the camera is still pointed at me to my dismay. I can now hear more people laughing. Oh great the boys are now there.

'Put on some tunes' My sister says rather loudly over the music. I quickly change the song to We're all in this together from High School Music. Sadly I know all the moves to this.

'time to bring out my moves!' I shout. I nail the whole dance but at the end do the twirl and lose my footing and fall off my bed with a thud. Normally there would be a pile of clothes there but my mum made me clean my room.

'that would have hurt a lot less if I hadn't tidied my room. See it wasn't messy, I was just creating padding for when that happens' Me and my sister start laughing until we have tears down out faces as I always come up with stuff like this. Last time it was 'but mum, it's my burglar alarm, they'll fall over and I'll hear them' That one didn't work too well.

'ok I'm tired now so I'm going to leave and let you go back to stalking people' And with that she walks out the room leaving me on the floor. Luckily it didn't hurt much, I'd be lying if I said that it didn't happen a lot. I fall over fall a lot, last time I fell over in the shower dancing while we had guest over. Yeah that was awkward, I tried to play it off as I dropped the shampoo, I think they believed it. I slowly stand up and check my sister has gone back downstairs, which thankfully she has. I walk back over to my bed and wake it up. I can still hear laughing. I reluctantly move the twitter tab away to the side of my screen so I can see FaceTime. There they are all 4 boys.

'Loved your dancing y/n' Brad says while still laughing. I try to pretend to be annoyed but it doesn't work. You have to admit it was pretty funny.

I get a text through on my phone.

'who are you talking to?' It's from my sister. Well I would normally FaceTime y/bf/n so I guess that will work.

'y/bf/n, why?' I don't get a reply but suddenly my door swings open and I can't cover FaceTime quick enough.

'y/n that's not y/bf/n. WAIT! Are they The Vamps?' She looks at my screen, there sits all 4 boys looking at her with the same shocked expression. Both disbelief of each other being there.

'uhm, no?' I say hoping she doesn't know them well enough but she looks over at my wall and sees the poster of them. Oops.

'y/n what's going on?' I don't say anything but I hear whispering on the other end.

'Let me fill you in, Connor and y/n are dating and have been for 6 months and we have become best friends with y/n' James speaks up.

'oh ok. Don't worry I won't tell Mum' She starts to walk out of my room but stops right as she's about to walk out the door.

'after all I need something to blackmail you with, right?' Ugh, I have enough on her so it'll be ok.

'Does this mean She'll be able to cover for you next time?' Con asks with hope in his eyes. Each time we have wanted to out together I have had to pretend to be in my room and leave music blasting out hoping my family doesn't come in.

'I could do that IF you make me chips!' Is she stood outside my door listening to this?

'yeah, fine, whatever. Stop eavesdropping on me' A couple of seconds later I hear her walk downstairs.

'I think me and your sister will get along well' Connor says laughing with the other boys.

'why 'cus you're both love chips way too much?' I say chuckling.

'that and the fact we both love you' Awww, he's so mushy. You can hear the groans of the other boys as they slowly walk off.

'I love you too Con!'


Hi guys! Thank you soooo much for over 470 reads! That is so amazing! Thank you so much! :D

Anyways please comment or send us a message of what we should do next! We are having a struggle on what to write! Don't be silent readers! :D hope you enjoy this one :3

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