You meet a fan- James imagine

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You meet a fan:

Your P.O.V

I was dragged out shopping with my family today even though non of it will be for me but I was promised Costa so I decided to go. I was sat in Costa with my mum and sister. I can see some people looking at me but I don't know why. I try to ignore them, they're probably saying look at all the food she has. I like to eat okay? They start to get up, maybe they're going to leave. Nope, they're right towards me. STILL LOOKING AT ME! Quick look away! I start to talk to my family again when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn my head and see it's the same people, I look at their around 7 year old daughter (I'm guessing) she looks so nervous.

'Hi, my daughter was wondering if you were James from The Vamps' girlfriend' oh that's so sweet. I feel my whole family turn to me. I forgot they don't know about him. I turn to them.

'Surprise! I'm dating an 20 year old in a famous band' I say while doing jazz hands. They just sit there with shocked faces. I turn back to the family and lean down to the little girl.

'Hi, yes I am James' girlfriend y/n. What's your name?' Instantly a large smile appears on her face.

'H-hi, I'm Kate' aww she's so cute, she's nervous.

'Well hello Kate, I'm guessing you like The Vamps' Kate starts nodding her head vigorously.

'She loves them so much' The person I'm guessing is her Dad says. I look up at them and smile. It's my first time this has happened, I hope I'm doing ok. The smile on their faces makes me feel like I am.

'Who's your favourite?' I ask making conversation.

'James' she replies with a shy smile. Aww she's so cute. Can I kidnap her? Just pick her up and run? ..... probably not.

'Ah well, I may be able to do something for you then' I say as I stand up and go to grab my phone.

'Can she have a picture with you?' Her mum asks

'Of course!' I get back down to the little girls level. Her parents stand back and get the camera onto picture mode. I unlock my phone and go into contacts looking for 'Jems 💕' I find him and look up just as I'm about to press call.

'Say cheese!' Both I and Kate smile. The Mum starts to walk over and I press call and put the phone to my ear. I wait for him to pick up.

'This looks so nice! Thank you' she says with a big smile on her face, showing you the picture. It's really nice!

'You probably won't but do you have twitter?' What are the chances?

'Yes I do actually' surprising!

'Can you tweet me that picture? It's real-' I get interrupted by James answering the call. I actually forgot I called him. I put it on loud speaker and keep hold of the girl. They are looking at me weird but they'll love me in a minute.

'Hey beautiful! What's up? I miss you!' Aww James he's such a cutie!

'Hey handsome! Miss you too but I wanted you to meet somebody but you have to watch your language please' I know James can be quite reckless when he's excited. The little girls eyes light up as he realises who it is,

'Okay but if it's your family that is a shocking way for me to first talk to them'

'Haha no, oh and by the way they know and they don't look impressed. The person I wanted you to talk to is a really cute little girl called Kate. She's in the Vamily and asked for a picture while I was shopping. You're her favourite' I hear awww's in the background and then someone shout 'SHES JUST SAYING THAT! SHE LOVES ME MORE!' Guess I'm on loud speaker. I gesture for the girl to speak.

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