Vance's pov

I was sitting on robins bed waiting for him to get home. It's been about an hour now since I've gotten here and it feels like an actual eternity.

I bit on my nails and faced the closed door as I heard my best friend talking to somebody. It was too muffled to hear the conversation but the door knob jiggled and opened.

There stood bruce and robin staring at me up and down. I stood up straight and cleared my throat "whats going on here?" Bruce looked at me with confusion and spoke up, "how exactly did you get in here..?"

"Robins mom let me in" I smile proudly. "You better not have touched any of my stuff vance." Robin stated clearly.

I stood up and walked to Bruce ruffling his black jet hair. "Relax arellano I didn't look through ur shrine of finney." "WHAT." he pushed me off bruce. ""Let me go near himm." I whine. "I don't have a shrine of finn.." he mumbled.  "Love birds, love time is up now  I'll be sick stay like 6 feet apart." The long hair boy rolled his eyes. "I can call finney." He death glared me.

"Go home now I wanna sleep or something" he went to his bed. "Dream of finney" I call out and Bruce snickered. "I hate you" "loser" I smile.


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