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Third person pov

Finney was watching YouTube on the tv while Robin was passed out on the floor. It was 2:28 am but Finney couldn't sleep, his thoughts were all filled with everything that recently happened, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Robin slowly woke up rubbing his eyes and glanced at the tv seeing Vance,Bruce and himself preforming.

Robin looked up and saw Finney being focused on the tv and also in thought.. it was pretty awkward so he had to break the silence.

"I'm that attractive you had to see me in the tv, huh?" Robin teased while Finney looked down surprised Robin was awake.

Finney chuckled and opened his mouth to say something back, "sorry if I woke you, you could go back to sleep if you want."

Robin didn't reply, just laid back down watching himself on the tv, he felt proud and loved.

Robin went on his instagram, reading the comments on his new post. A few hate comments but mostly positive comments.

One comment said,

'This band sucks, they make my ears bleed. What happened to the old 80's music?'

Robin rolled his eyes and decided to reply back saying,

'This isn't the 1980's old hag, shouldn't  you be buried or something by now?'

Robin smirked at his reply and went to post an old picture of him and Vance.

A few minutes after his phone was getting spammed with liked, he loved the feeling of being loved.

As Robin put his phone down he checked on Finney and saw he was fast asleep.

Robin felt relaxed knowing Finney was safe. He laid back down and drifted off to sleep.


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