
161 1 14

Hello neighbor! Author here!

A little important PSA before we jump into the fic, just in case you didn't read the description, also some additional stuff I want to adress ;

I am open to suggestions for :

✩Any Reader (even uncomon ones, I'll try my best ^^)


✩Requesting HCs (Headcanon lists, but please give me a scenario to base on)

✩Platonic Xreaders or just friend one shots!!

Now comes the bounds :

✩Frank X Fem! , Eddie X Fem! or any other anti-LGBTQ requests (Check the character Wiki)

✩NO SMUT! if that's why you came here shame on you. Not only does it make me uneasy but the Creator of Welcome Home! asked not to make NSFW fanworks until further notice.

✩Anything problematic, really, won't be taken, I'm just a simple guy.

If you ARE willing to DM me a request then please be specific! and thank you!

✩✩✩And lastly, the fic format will vary from : a regular fi, scenarios with HC lists to something similar to the scripts, you know, on days where I feel a little creative lolololol 

-(Updates might be slow because of burnout, or because I'm a student and work is piling, with that set, please don't presure me and thank you. My work is also on AO3, so if you see it there, that might be me!)

Anywhozies!!! Please ENJOY~✩!

Welcome Home! A series of fanfiction one shots.Where stories live. Discover now