The room.

156 6 1

Gen!Reader X no one in particular (Wally perhaps?) up for interpretation.
Reader is human.

Some horror themes are depicted!!
This is in reference to the static videotape (eovwyx)
Enjoy (^∇^)

It has been a while since I joined this group. I found it on 4chan on a Tuesday afternoon after I had finished my morning shift. Welcome Home! Restoration Project; or just WHRP for short.
We're an anonymous group on 4chan, as I mentioned earlier, trying to find lost episodes, merchandise, prints, vinyls and whatnot of this one cartoon from the 80's. At first me and a friend of mine were just trying to find some lost media for a blog they were working on, but I ended up joining the very few people who have intel on this show... it's so eye catchy... and I was so eager to join because I'll have the chance to discover something underground, so I can take pride in that!

Sadly enough for me, we agreed on staying anon for the sake of our safety online. I'd say that I was a step ahead since I've always had an online persona.
I've been reminiscing about all the cute characters, I wouldn't say I've ever had a favourite ; they're all so unique and just as adorable! What interesting little individuals! But— I won't lie but I've always loved how sinister I found Wally to be. Not to say that he's better than the others but whatever !
The other group members seemed to be humoured by that, saying that I should probably quit playing horror games and such.

It's nighttime, and I couldn't fall asleep, I've been having horrible nightmares and what seemed like sleep paralysis and hallucinations. It was so bad to the point that I'm avoiding sleep from time to time... but when I do fall asleep however... ... ...

I found myself hovering my mouse over a hyperlink posted by one of our group chat members (the WHRP private group chat), apparently they found some clips of the show, they were VHS tape recordings. I was too tired to do anything else because of my lack of sleep. However, seeing how we have gone so far as to find VIDEO FOOTAGE of the show is a very great feat. My tired eyes just stared at the blue texts on my screen, not really reading the messages of the other participants chatting about it.
After a few seconds I click on the first link.

A little butterfly appears on the screen. It's so colourful, even with the messed up lighting of the VHS effect and the fact that it was recorded from a TV playing it. Even the camera used seems old since the recording itself was pretty grainy.
Wally appears on the screen as the butterfly keeps on flying away, now with the screen focusing completely on the little yellow being.
"'Oh h— b—or! Didn—..' fuck... the camera isn't going to pick up audio, it's so faint.."

Well, whoever's recording is correct, the camera barely picked up any audio... maybe I'll watch this in the morning after a cool shower I can barely make out my own thoughts. I exit the video tab and read the messages sent.

'Audio is ass'
'Can't make out what the characters are saying :('
'Yeah me neither, plus there's static. And worse, whoever filmed is only going to make recovering those clips more of a pain'
'Yeah sorry guys that's all I found'
'Good news everyone, people I have ties with actually have some VHS tapes... does anyone here have a player?'
'WHAAT??? Damn that's AWESOME!!!'
'I don't know, but when I asked it was all they had, they're pretty old, and have been tampered with so they're probably damaged'

Oh, I do have a VHS tape player.

'I do have one! I have one at home and even at my workplace. I also have a DVR'
'That's great, I can mail them to you then :)'
'YAY!! [username] saves the day once more!!! You've been a great huge help, pal'

I smile at my screen and before I knew it, fell asleep on my keyboard as I was chatting.
Lucky I didn't have any nightmares or any similar to that... at least now I'm going to be awaiting a package.

Present day, present time.
I hold a tape in my hand and I'm staring holes at it. I have no idea why do I feel so uneasy. I was completely thrilled just a second ago. This isn't the first time I would receive anything from any other member of our project... I've received prints and whatnot to recover and translate digitally.

I shake away the thoughts and make my way to my messy attic. I have a little old TV in that attic. I love it up there, I collect old horror movies and hold marathons with friends so even though it's messy I still feel at ease being holed up in that spot... but right now it feels greek to me. So... unnerving.

This time I physically shake my head, and step closer to the stack of colourful pillows, plushies and blankets on the hardwood dirty floor. Put the little box of mixtapes on the small wooden coffee table and bend down to insert one of the tapes.

I turn on the TV and start messing around with the buttons and settings to get it to start...

I sit back down and just observe.
But there was nothing but static.

"Ugh... seriously now..." I grumble before getting up from the pillow haven and crouch in front of the little TV.

"What was that." I swallow my own words. Something flashed in the screen behind all the TV snow. I squint my eyes and get closer to the screen till I was practically nose to glass.

"Are those... Wal— GRAH!!??" I can't breathe. I CANT BREATHE.
Something is choking me and I can't free myself. This is a death grip both figuratively and LITERALLY.

I can't even fathom what is happening I can't process what's going on.
Okay. Wait. A hand has lunged from the TV screen and reached right for my throat.
Did I get sent a Samara Morgan dupe?!

I feel like I'm getting pulled in. Fighting back I use one arm to push me away from the tv, and the other hand trying desperately to break free from the- is that... a plush hand?
With all my strength I successfully tumble backwards. I audibly gasp for air while feeling for my neck. My head feels light. I try to sit upright with all my coughing and panting until my vision clears again...

A familiar yellow face glitches out of the TV. Stuck waist up, with one arm, presumably the one he fucking choked me with, he tries to make his way towards me.

That unchanging smirk taunting me and never breaking eye contact.


A/N : first story!!!! Might extend on this a little, or edit this sooner or later :3
More stuff coming soon ^^

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