Power Duo! (Sally X Julie)

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Sally X Julie
Requested! Butterflies_milk
I had fun with this 🫡

Briiinngggg... briiiiinnngggg!!


The sound of the home phone ringing echoed in the room for a couple of seconds before it got picked up and answered.

"Hello, hello?" said the little star through the phone.

"Hello Sally!" sang the joyful Julie on the other side of the phone. Sally's expression brightened even more upon hearing her beloved's voice through the phone. "Ah! Julie! Hi!"

The cheery puppet giggled before speaking up again, "Hehehe! Sally, I was wondering if you wanted to come over? Poppy teached me how to bake puding bread and I want to try it!"

The little star has already made up her mind hearing the first phrase "Of course!" she chirped.
"Yay! thank you! so uh- see you in a minute?"
Sally only hummed in response before exchanging "see yous'" and hanging up.

The shining star of the neighbourhood didn't take too much time getting ready as she was already on and about her work, writing a script for a play when she got her burst of ideas after breakfast. And with that, she stopped what she was doing and headed to visit her favourite neighbour~!

Never a dull moment with Julie Joyful, nonetheless with Sally Starlet by her side, when the two were put together they were a contagious beam of pure delight!

When she heard knocking on her door, Julie rushed to open it! She already wore her apron and had her hair stylized in a bun to avoid messing it or the food they planned on baking with their guest of honour, who presented herself on their doorstep, matching each other's happy faces.
Julie gestured for Sally to come in, with her complying. They both made their way towards the kitchen, and Julie handed a spare apron to Sally, that she gracefully accepted and hastily put on.

"Well let's get baking shall we?" Sally suggested. Her partner nodded enthusiastically as they made their way towards the counter, checking if the ingredients were all there, seeing as they sometimes get scatterbrained!
Julie breaks the silence "All set! We can start!"

The two chefs got to baking, by mixing the dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately, making fun small messes around every so often, and with the two working together — working wonders too! — they almost finished baking in a jiffy!
Making small talk and comments here and there without a second to fancy their boredom ; started making plans for what to do afterwards.

As Julie set their confection in the oven and closed it, spoke with the same enthusiasm as her beloved's first arrival.
"I was thinking, if this turns out well we could share it with the rest of the neighbours!"
Sally perked up at the suggestion and chuckled. "That's so thoughtful of you! And I'm sure it would turn great! Also — I bet Eddie would feast on it!"
"Oh right! Pudding bread's his favourite, right?"
"Mhm, yeah."
Julie laughed along, humoured by a thought that just passed her mind "I should pass the recipe over to Frank then." Julie winks, now the two of them laugh wholeheartedly.

There was more room for small talk, as the two snacked, waiting for their sweet to finish baking to move to the rest of their plan ; share what they made with their friends!

A truly fun time in the neighbourhood, a really peaceful and pleasant place to live in. What plans would our silly, happy and colourful array of friends have cooking for us next, hm?

A/N : I'm actually not used to writing ships!! In fact, when I do it's mostly just for laughs, so this is a first!! Had fun writing this even tho it was short, I hope it was as cosy as I intended it to be!!

Also sorry for the small break I took out of the blue, it's final exam season soon + I've been really sick lately and can barely stay awake, hope you enjoyed! Working on more chapters tho ^^
Also, sorry this didn't fully match the request, I was writing the draft for this and never seemed too satisfied with how the writing for it turned out, my bad !!
( i _ i )

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